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Reason: Needs IDs in hardware table and a function keys section (Discuss in Talk:ASUS N551VW)
Hardware PCI/USB ID Working?
GPU (Intel) Yes
GPU (Nvidia) Yes
Ethernet Yes
Wireless Yes
Audio Yes
Touchpad Yes
Keyboard Yes
Webcam Yes
Card reader Yes
Bluetooth Yes


Works over regular jack and also over HDMI. For regular jack to work please select Analog Stereo Output in PulseAudio Volume Control. External ASUS subwoofer does not work though (I believe it requires a MS Windows based driver)

ASUS subwoofer workaround:

Install alsa-tools to run hdajackretask then:

  1. Select Realtek ALC668
  2. Check “Show unconnected pins”
  3. Check “Override” on “Pin ID: 0x1a” and “Internal speaker (LFE)”
  4. “Apply now”
  5. “Install boot override”