Acer Aspire V5-573G

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Reason: Hardware table needs IDs and a function keys section should be added (Discuss in Talk:Acer Aspire V5-573G)

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Hardware PCI/USB ID Working?
GPU (Intel) Yes
GPU (Nvidia) Yes
Ethernet Yes
Wireless Yes
Bluetooth Yes
Audio Yes
Touchpad Yes
Webcam Yes

General info about the Acer Aspire V5-573G laptop. Everything pretty much works out of the box, follow standard documentation for details.

Note: Most of this should also apply to the Acer Aspire V7-582PG and Acer Aspire V7-582G - those are higher tier models of the same, confirmed to be the same motherboard. Touchscreen was not tested on those.


To disable Secure Boot, set the supervisor password in the BIOS settings. Then you should be able to disable Secure Boot and boot Arch.

See also