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Bugzilla is server software designed to help you manage software development.


Install the bugzilla package.

Although many Perl modules are specified as dependencies, some required modules still need to be installed manually.


Module dependencies

Perform a module check first:

# cd /srv/http/bugzilla
# ./checksetup.pl --check-modules

Check the output for which modules are required and which are optional. The shell commands to install missing modules will also be shown.

Install all required and optional modules using:

# perl install-module.pl --all

Missing modules

Tango-view-refresh-red.pngThis article or section is out of date.Tango-view-refresh-red.png

Reason: "Open bug for the above issue" is now closed. (Discuss in Talk:Bugzilla)

Tango-edit-clear.pngThis article or section needs language, wiki syntax or style improvements. See Help:Style for reference.Tango-edit-clear.png

Reason: No bug report, if there is none file one. (Discuss in Talk:Bugzilla)
Warning: BugZilla may have missing dependencies that can effect normal usage and prevent the final configuration from completing successfully.

Due to a missing dependency, the following Perl module needs to be installed for user creation and bug filing to work properly:

# perl install-module.pl DateTime:TimeZone

The absence of Email-Abstract will generate an error on the final module check and configuration for BugZilla 5.0rc2 (in the next step). To fix this, issue the following command:

# perl install-module.pl Email::Abstract

There is an open bug for the above issue.

Final module check

What follows is some more configuration to let BugZilla connect to MySQL and create initial tables in it.

Run checksetup.pl again, this time without the –check-modules switch:

# ./checksetup.pl

A file called localconfig is generated if everything is okay. Then, modify some of the file's parameters:

$webservergroup = 'http';
$db_driver = 'DATABASE_TO_USE_HERE';
$db_name = 'DATABASE_NAME_HERE';
$db_user = 'DATABASE_USER_HERE';
$db_pass = 'YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE';


Finally, configure Apache HTTP Server to run BugZilla using mod_cgi (can also be configured using mod_perl; refer to this for details).

First uncomment the following line in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:

LoadModule cgi_module modules/mod_cgi.so

Then add the following lines to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:

<Directory /srv/http/bugzilla>
  AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
  Options +ExecCGI
  DirectoryIndex index.cgi
  AllowOverride All

Now restart Apache and required modules.

Access http://server_domain_or_ip/bugzilla/ using your web browser.

See also