Dell Inspiron 7586

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Hardware PCI/USB/I2C/EDID ID Working?
GPU (integrated) 8086:3ea0 Yes
GPU (dedicated) 10de:1d10 Yes
Keyboard PS/2 Yes
Touchpad 04F3:30B6 (DELL0895) Yes
Touchscreen 04F3:2784 (ELAN2097) Mostly
Pen 04F3:2784 (ELAN2097) Yes
Fingerprint reader 27c6:538c Yes
Webcam 0bda:5538 Yes
Sensors 8086:9dfc Yes
Wi-Fi 8086:9df0 Yes
Bluetooth 8087:0aaa Yes
Audio 8086:9dc8 Yes
SD card reader Yes
TPM MSFT0101 Yes
Display (AUO, UHD) AUO34EB Yes
Display (AUO, FHD) AUO23ED Yes
Display (LGD, FHD) LGD05C4 Yes


RAID mode is enabled by default. AHCI mode must be used, otherwise the disks will be invisible[1]. Using RAID mode will trigger a relevant log message in the journal.

Occasionally, USB devices may not show up in the boot menu. Consult #Booting from external media for more information on this topic.


The appearance of the UEFI settings is relatively simple and not very colorful, so it might work well with OCR software. It does, however, require the user to use a keyboard, mouse, touchpad, touchscreen, or pen.

Note: Visually impaired users should request the help of a sighted person to change UEFI settings.

The service manual contains shortcuts which are needed to trigger certain features, such as the boot menu (F12), settings (F2), and power/disk activity LED (Fn+H).


fwupd does not support this device yet.

As mentioned in #Installation, AHCI mode must be manually enabled in place of RAID mode.

Secure Boot

Secure Boot is enabled by default. Custom keys may be used.

ESP files

The UEFI stores logs and recovery images in /EFI/Dell. These files may be deleted at any time, though deleting the recovery images will prevent the UEFI from recovering itself if it gets damaged.

Recovery images (created when the UEFI is updated) are stored in /EFI/Dell/Bios/Recovery and are roughly 15 MB in size. It appears that there will only be two images kept at the same time, BIOS_CUR.rcv and BIOS_PRE.rcv.

Diagnostic logs (created by Dell SupportAssist PreBoot Diagnostics) are stored in /EFI/Dell/logs. It appears that there will only be two files kept at the same time, diags_current.xml and diags_previous.xml.

Important updates

UEFI version 1.5.0 or above is required to change thermal profiles through dell-command-configureAUR (or Dell Power Manager on Windows). [2]

Booting from external media

Often, external media will not show up in the boot menu. To work around this, open the UEFI settings, navigate to the boot section, and add the standard removable EFI binary at \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI on the drive's ESP partition to the boot menu.


Function keys

  • The following table assumes that function lock is off. When it is on, Fn does not need to be held for many of the shortcuts (denoted by the asterisk). Function lock can be toggled with a keyboard shortcut or in the UEFI settings.
  • Emmited keys are identified by their XFree86 symbols.
Key Visible?1 Marked?2 Effect
Fn No Yes A modifier, to be used with other keys.
Fn+Esc No Yes Function lock. See the note above for more details.
Fn+F1* Yes Yes XF86AudioMute
Fn+F2* Yes Yes XF86AudioLowerVolume
Fn+F3* Yes Yes XF86AudioRaiseVolume
Fn+F4* Yes Yes XF86AudioPrev
Fn+F5* Yes Yes XF86AudioPlay
Fn+F6* Yes Yes XF86AudioNext
Fn+F8* Yes Yes Super_L+p
Fn+F9* Yes Yes XF86Search
Fn+F10* No Yes Changes keyboard backlight brightness. Rotates through three levels (including zero).
Fn+F11* Yes Yes XF86MonBrightnessDown
Fn+F12* Yes Yes XF86MonBrightnessUp
Fn+PrintScreen Yes Yes XF86RFKill
Fn+Ins Yes3 No XF86Sleep
Fn+q, Fn+w, Fn+e, Fn+t, Fn+a, Fn+d, Fn+f, Fn+g Yes No XF86Launch3
Fn+r Yes No Print
Fn+s Yes No Scroll_Lock
Fn+h No No Toggles between LED power and disk usage modes.
Fn+b Yes No Pause
Fn+Up Yes Yes Prior
Fn+Left Yes Yes Home
Fn+Down Yes Yes Next
Fn+Right Yes Yes End
Fold screen over 180 degrees Yes No Dell WMI keypress, entering/exiting tablet mode
  1. The key is visible to xev and similar tools.
  2. The physical key has a symbol on it, which describes its function.
  3. systemd-logind handles this by default.

Fingerprint reader

Install libfprint-2-tod1-xps9300-binAUR.

The fingerprint reader requires a proprietary driver.

Power buttons

This device has one power button and one sleep button.

$ loginctl seat-status
│ input:input1 "Power Button"
│ input:input2 "Sleep Button"

See logind.conf(5) for more information on handling specific keys.

See also