
From ArchWiki
The printable version is no longer supported and may have rendering errors. Please update your browser bookmarks and please use the default browser print function instead.
Warning: dwb is based on a WebKit port that is today considered insecure and outdated. It's recommended to use another browser instead. More info here.

dwb is a lightweight and flexible web browser using the webkit engine. It is customizable through its web interface and fully usable with keyboard shortcuts.


Install the dwb-gitAUR package for the development version.

Basic usage

Starting from a fresh configuration, use Sk to open the Keys page. As you can see from there, most bindings are borrowed from Vim and Emacs.

Use : to access the command prompt. You can use Tab to auto-complete.

Read the man page for more details and enable the auto-completion option in the settings to help you learn the bindings.

$ man dwb


o        = enter url
O        = enter url in new tab
f        = spawn hints. Use arrow keys to browse the hints while displaying their URI, or use the hint letters.
F        = spawn hints in new tab
;b       = spawn hints in new background tab
;r       = follow multiple background links rapidly
H        = back
L        = forward
J        = go to next tab
K        = go to previous tab
'n'+T    = goto 'n' tab
d        = close tab
u        = undo close tab
ctrl+s   = stop
r        = reload
R        = reload ignoring cache
gi       = go to the first input field, doesn't enter input mode, use 'i' for that, so 'gi'+'i'
ctrl+e   = open editable field in external editor. Useful for forums and wikis.
;d       = download via hints
M        = save bookmark (bookmarks are saved in ~/.config/dwb/default/bookmarks)
xb       = show/hide status bar
gf       = toggle source view
+        = zoom_in
-        = zoom_out
=        = reset to 100%


i        = toggle_insert_mode   (Esc works to go back to normal mode much like Vim)
Esc      = back to normal mode (ctrl+n works too)
j        = scroll down
k        = scroll up
h        = scroll left
l        = scroll right
gg       = go to top
G        = go to bottom
/        = find in page
n        = repeat find forward
ZZ       = save session and exit


Press v to switch to caret browsing, then press space to toggle between caret and visual mode. Press Esc one or two times to go back to normal mode. While in caret browsing, you can use the arrow keys to browse the different parts of the page. Hold Shift to select text. Press Enter to follow links.


The configuration files are stored in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dwb/ (usually ~/.config/dwb/) and can be easily accessed through the web interface. Type Ss to open the Settings page.

Search engines

Open your favorite search engine, type gs to select the web page's first input field, and then enter a keyword associated with it.

Now you can use the keyword in the URI prompt to search directly on the corresponding website. Typing queries directly in the address bar will search with the default search engine, which is the first entry in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dwb/searchengines.

You can also add more by editing the configuration files. This may help for tricky sites like rfc-editor.org.

sp https://startpage.com/do/search?q=XXX
wp https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=XXX&title=Special:Search
aw https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=Special:Search&search=XXX
rfc http://www.rfc-editor.org/search/rfc_search_detail.php?rfc=&title=XXX


Standard keybinds can be edited by executing :open dwb:keys (opening dwb:keys as a webpage). Settings are saved as soon as a value is changed and the element loses focus or the return key is pressed. This is reported in the status bar. Combinations of keys are separated with a space. Some less vim-like keys could be defined by:

history_back	 Go back	Mod1 @Left@
history_forward	 Go forward	Mod1 @Right@

This same format is used below for custom keybinds.

Custom keybinds

You can create custom key bindings by editing file custom_keys in the profile directory. This is ~/.config/dwb/default by default. All keysyms which do not emit (multi)byte characters, must be enclosed in @. One keybind can execute multiple dwb commands. These commands execute in same order as they are defined in bind, and must be separated by ;; separator. If the keybind's chord is already bound by dwb, it might be ignored (behaviour is not consistent). In such case one can try to check, whether there is collison with binds defined in ~/.config/dwb/keys and try to unbind the chord there (eg set it to nothing). Any running dwb instance will owerwrite keys file on exit, so remember to do your modifications while dwb is not runing or use default dwb interface (Sk).

Control w           :close_tab
Control @Page_Up@   :focus_prev
Control @Page_Down@ :focus_next


dwb features an extension manager as a separate executable, dwbem. To list all officially available extensions, use:

dwbem -a
   Available extensions:      Mainstream equivalent:
   - adblock_subscriptions    Adblock
   - autoquvi                 Video DownloadHelper
   - contenthandler           (Handle requests based on MIME type, filename extension or URI scheme)
   - downloadhandler          (Handle downloads based on mimetype or filename extension, useful if 'download-no-confirm' is set)
   - formfiller               LastPass, Lazarus (Save form data and fill forms with previously saved data, also with gpg-support)
   - googlebookmarks          GBookmarks, GMarks (Add bookmarks to google bookmarks with a shortcut)
   - googledocs               Open with Google Docs, Google Docs Viewer
   - grabscrolling            (Adobe Acrobat style grab and drag mouse scrolling)
   - multimarks               (Bookmark multiple urls to a single quickmark)
   - navtools                 Opera Fast Forward, IE 10 Flip Ahead
   - perdomainsettings        (Change webkit-settings automatically on domain or url basis)
   - pwdhash                  PwdHash
   - requestpolicy            RequestPolicy, Disconnect, Ghostery
   - simplyread               Readability, Clearly
   - speeddial                Speed Dial
   - supergenpass             (Generate domain-based passwords; compatible with the bookmarklet supergenpass but with additional options)
   - unique_tabs              (Remove duplicate tabs or avoid duplicate tabs by autoswitching to tabs with same url)
   - userscripts              GreaseMonkey/Stylish
   - whitelistshortcuts       (Whitelist webkit settings for certain domains with a shortcut)

For more details, use dwbem -I <extension> and read the dwb and dwbem man pages. To get more details on all available extensions use for i in $(dwbem -a | awk '/-/ {print $NF}'); do dwbem -I $i; done.

Below is a list of popular extensions (or add-ons) for which dwb has a built-in alternative:

  • NoScript/Flashblock: dwb blocks flash by default and can block javascript.
  • Omnibar: just like Chrome, dwb's address gives quick access to search, history, and bookmarks.
  • Download Statusbar: dwb's displays downloads in a neat status bar by default.
  • IE Tab: dwb can open a page in any external browser with a simple userscript.
  • Session Manager: dwb uses its built-in session manager by default.
  • Private browsing: add xpp:toggle enable-private-browsing to custom_keys to toggle privacy mode by typing xpp.


dwb features an Adblock extension. Install it with

$ dwbem -i adblock_subscriptions

Restart dwb, enable adblocker with :set adblocker true, use the adblock_subscribe command and choose your favorite filter (avoid using more than one filter to prevent duplicate entries that make the adblocker much slower). After that you also need to make the changes active with the adblock_update command.


dwb can execute .js or .sh scripts put in ~/.config/dwb/userscripts/. Make sure they are executable:

chmod +x ~/.config/dwb/userscripts/myscript.js

Below are some example scripts, see dwb userscripts snippets for more:


Prevents tabs from last session to load all at once at startup.

if (settings.loadOnFocus === false) {
    execute('local_set load-on-focus true');
Signal.connect('navigation', function(webview) {
    if (webview == tabs.current) {
        execute('local_set load-on-focus false');


Opera features a neat key binding which allows users to load to next/previous logical page. This is very useful for forum threads, documentation, and articles spread over several pages.

This feature can be implemented with a simple javascript function and bound to custom keys } and {:

}:exja (function(){var e=document.querySelector("[rel='next']");if(e){location=e.href;}else{var f=document.getElementsByTagName("a");var i=f.length;while((e=f[--i])){if(e.text.search(/(\bnext\b|^>$|^(>>|»)$|^(>|»)|(>|»)$|\bmore\b)/i)>-1){location=e.href; break;}} location.href=location.href.replace(/(\d+)([^\/\d]*)$/, function(a,b,c){return ++b+c})}})();
{:exja (function(){var e=document.querySelector("[rel='prev']");if(e){location=e.href;}else{var f=document.getElementsByTagName("a");var i=f.length;while((e=f[--i])){if(e.text.search(/(\b(prev|previous)\b|^<$|^(<<|«)$|^(<|«)|(<|«)$)/i)>-1){location=e.href;break;}} location.href=location.href.replace(/(\d+)([^\/\d]*)$/, function(a,b,c){return --b+c})}})();

Alternatively, the navtools extension provides the same functionality and more, such as going up one directory, or loading the root URI.


Opens current page in Firefox with xf (uses firefox and libnotify).

# dwb: xf
firefox $DWB_URI &
notify-send -u low "Firefox opening $DWB_URI" #optional notification


Prevents previously-opened tabs from reloading all at once after a restart.

// prevents previously-opened tabs from reloading all at once after a restart.
execute("set load-on-focus true");

var sigId = Signal.connect("navigation", function(wv) {
        if (wv == tabs.current)
                    execute("set load-on-focus false");


Toggles between 2 global stylesheets with xg.

# dwb:xg

CURRENT_STYLESHEET="$(dwbremote get setting user-stylesheet-uri)"


if [[ "${CURRENT_STYLESHEET}" = ${STYLESHEET_1} ]]; then
    dwbremote :local_set user-stylesheet-uri "$STYLESHEET_2"
    dwbremote :local_set user-stylesheet-uri "$STYLESHEET_1"


Opens YouTube videos with MPlayer (uses mplayer and youtube-dl).

// opens YouTube videos with mplayer.
var regex = new RegExp("http(.*)://www.youtube.com/watch\\?(.*&)*v=.*");

Signal.connect("navigation", function (wv, frame, request) {
  if (wv.mainFrame == frame && regex.test(request.uri)) 
    system.spawn("sh -c 'mplayer \"$(youtube-dl -g " + request.uri + ")\"'");
  return false;


The vv keybind will open the URL of current page with mpv, works with You Tube, Dailymotion, Vodlocker and many more video streaming services. (uses mpv libnotify youtube-dl).

# dwb: vv
mpv $DWB_URI &
notify-send  -h string:bgcolor:#000000 -h string:fgcolor:#ff4444 "MPV is opening" "$DWB_URI" 


rocker gestures

Enables Opera-like rocker gestures for navigating the history. Disable the context menu in the settings first.

var LMB = 1, MMB=2, RMB = 3, UNKNOWN = 10, DOWN = 11, UP = 12;

var bp = new Signal("onButtonPress", function(wv, result, ev) {
        var mouseButton = ev.button;

        buttonStates[mouseButton] = DOWN;

        if (mouseButton == LMB && buttonStates[RMB] == DOWN) {
        } else if (mouseButton == RMB && buttonStates[LMB] == DOWN) {
var br = new Signal("onButtonRelease", function(wv, result, ev) {
        buttonStates[ev.button] = UP;



a global stylesheet can be defined in the Settings, under user-stylesheet-uri (i.e. file:///home/tux/.config/dwb/stylesheet.css)

If you browse with the status bar hidden and are annoyed by the the link previews that appear while hovering over links with the mouse, add this to the stylesheet: #dwb_hover_element { display:none!important; }


Search engines search for undefined

If you are always searching for undefined even with the searchengine-submit-pattern option set, then you should edit $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dwb/searchengines and adapt the URIs to match your searchengine-submit-pattern.

Fuzzy font in Github

Install gnu-free-fonts or add this in your ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf inside the fontconfig-tags:

       <patelt name="family">

If above solution does not help try to remove xorg-fonts-75dpi and xorg-fonts-100dpi packages.

HTML5 media

See Browser plugins#Multimedia playback.