Getting involved (Bosanski)

From ArchWiki
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U evolucionarnoj biologiji, kooperacija opisuje interakciju gdje individualac plaća malu cijenu da donese veliki benefit jednom ili više. Ako je ova kontribucija recipročna, svi uključeni mogu se okoristiti u velikoj količini. Ovaj princip se također odnoso na proaktivne članove Arch community koji žele da bude uključeni i da doprinesu svojoj najdražoj Linux distribuciji. Njihov doprinos ne doprinosi samo članovima community i Archerima, nego svim korisnicima free and open source software-a.

Ovaj članak opisuje kako i novi i iskusni Arch korisnici mogu doprinijeti community-u. Uzmi u obzir da ovo nije velika niti kompletna lista. Prije kontributanja, upoznajte se sa kodeksom ponašanja.


Postaj na forum

Jedan od najlakših načina da se bude uključen jeste biti aktivan na Arch Linux Forumima, koji omogućavaju dodir sa community-em i pomoć novim korisnicima.

Poboljšaj ovaj wiki

ArchWiki je kolaborativno održavan Arch Linux dokumentacija. Svi korisnici se podstiču da doprinesu.

Prijavi se u chatroom

Možeš pomoći drugim da riješe probleme na IRC kanalu. Od vitalne je važnosti da pročitaš pravila kanala prije učestovanja. Drugi kanali su dostupni za specifične teme.

Prijavi se na mailing liste

Priključi se diskusiju na jednoj ili više javnih mailing listi. Obavezno se drži teme navedene u opisu liste.


Report installed packages

pkgstats provides a systemd timer that sends a list of the packages installed on your system, along with the architecture and the mirrors you use, to the Arch Linux developers in order to help them prioritize their efforts and make the distribution even better. The information is sent anonymously and cannot be used to identify you. You can view the collected data at the Statistics page. More information is available in this forum thread.

Fix and report bugs

Reporting and fixing bugs on the bug tracker is one of the possible ways to help the community.

However, ineffective use can be counter-productive. Please read the Reporting bug guidelines.

Inform about security issues

New vulnerabilites are found all the time. Help the Arch Security Team keep track of new vulnerabilities.

Help test packages

Packages on the testing repositories need to be tried out and signed off before they are promoted to the main repositories. Help the Arch Testing Team test new packages.

Create and adopt AUR packages

The Arch User Repository contains community-made package scripts, allowing users to easily install software not part of the official repositories. Popular packages get included into the official community repository.

aurphan can help you identify orphaned packages you use, so that you can adopt them.


There are regular events open to the community for bugfixing, cleanup, and other activities.

Software projects

The Arch Linux distribution comprises of many components, such as the package manager pacman, the website (archweb), or the supporting system for the Arch User Repository (aurweb). Each of these projects can be contributed to individually.

See DeveloperWiki:Projects for an overview of team members, communication channels and used programming languages. The projects themselves are hosted with git on

You can find out how to help sustaining server costs on the official Arch Linux donate page.

Unofficial projects

Note: Entries listed here are not part of the Arch Linux project.

Arch's community maintains many projects. Feel free to include yours!


Arch-specific groups that you can engage in.

Arch Linux Subreddit
Place for Reddit users to discuss Arch related issues.
International communities
Local communities and meet-up places for users.
Arch Women[dead link 2021-05-13 ⓘ]
Group with the intention of resolving possible hurdles for female Arch users (forum thread).