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Gitea is a community managed fork of Gogs, lightweight code hosting solution written in Go and published under the MIT license.


Install the gitea or gitea-gitAUR package.

Gitea requires the use of a database backend, the following are supported:


The user configuration file is located at /etc/gitea/app.ini. Do not edit the main configuration file (/var/lib/gitea/conf/app.ini), since this file is included in the binary and will be overwritten on each update. Make sure to specify correct user and group for newly created /etc/gitea/app.ini or service will not start:

# chown gitea:gitea /etc/gitea/app.ini

Gitea repository data will be saved into /var/lib/gitea/repos/. It is possible to overrule this location in /etc/gitea/app.ini, if you do so you might need to edit ReadWritePaths in the systemd service file.

See the Gitea docs for more configuration examples.


Install and configure PostgreSQL.

Choose between TCP or UNIX Socket, and jump to the corresponding section.

Note: When Gitea and PostgreSQL are on the same machine, you should use a Unix socket, as it is faster and more secure.

With TCP socket

Create the new user while connecting to the server as postgres user (you will be prompted for a password for the new user):

[postgres]$ createuser -P gitea

Create the Gitea database, owned by gitea user:

[postgres]$ createdb -O gitea gitea

PostgreSQL#Configure PostgreSQL to be accessible from remote hosts

Verify it works:

$ psql --host=ip_address --dbname=gitea --username=gitea --password

Configure Gitea:

DB_TYPE             = postgres
HOST                = hostadress:port
NAME                = gitea
USER                = gitea
; Use PASSWD = `your password` for quoting if you use special characters in the password.
PASSWD              = password

With Unix socket

Create the new user while connecting to the server as postgres user:

[postgres]$ createuser gitea

Create the Gitea database, owned by gitea user:

[postgres]$ createdb -O gitea gitea

Setup the Unix socket by adding the following line to /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf:

local    gitea           gitea           peer

Restart postgresql.service.

Verify it works:

[gitea]$ psql --dbname=gitea --username=gitea

Configure Gitea:

DB_TYPE             = postgres
HOST                = /run/postgresql/
NAME                = gitea
USER                = gitea
PASSWD              =


Note: MySQL socket support can be enabled by using /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock as the listen address.

The following is an example of setting up MariaDB, setting your desired password:

$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE `gitea` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `utf8mb4` COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`;
mysql> CREATE USER `gitea`@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `gitea`.* TO `gitea`@`localhost`;
mysql> \q

Try connecting to the new database with the new user:

$ mysql -u gitea -p -D gitea

Configure MariaDB on first run or update app.ini:

DB_TYPE  = mysql
HOST     = ; or /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
NAME     = gitea
USER     = gitea
PASSWD   = password


Start/enable gitea.service, the webinterface should listen on http://localhost:3000.

When running Gitea for the first time it should redirect to http://localhost:3000/install.

Note: You might want to configure a reverse proxy to access remotely, e.g. nginx.
Note: If you want Gitea to listen on all interfaces, set HTTP_ADDR = in /etc/gitea/app.ini.

Tips and tricks

Local Shell Client (tea)

With tea you can use the official cli-client of gitea. More information can be found at

Enable SSH Support

Make sure SSH is properly configured and running.

Setup your domain

You might want to set SSH_DOMAIN, e.g.:

SSH_DOMAIN                 = git.domain.tld
Note: If you set the PROTOCOL to be unix, then you need to unset LOCAL_ROOT_URL or set it to http://unix/. See this comment

Configure SSH

By default Gitea will run as user gitea, as well this account will be used for ssh repository access. For ssh access to work, you have to enable PAM. Alternatively, you might have to unlock service account.

UsePAM yes

If you use AllowUsers in your SSH configuration, add AllowUsers gitea to it, e.g.:

AllowUsers archie gitea

Restart sshd.service if you use it (nothing to do if you use sshd.socket).

Disable HTTP protocol

By default, the ability to interact with repositories by HTTP protocol is enabled. You may want to disable HTTP-support if using SSH, by setting DISABLE_HTTP_GIT to true.

Binding on restricted ports

If you use the built-in SSH server and want Gitea to bind it on port 22, or if you want to bind Gitea webserver directly on ports 80/443 (that is in a setup without proxy), you will need to add a drop-in systemd unit override:


Enable Dark Theme

In the ui section, you can set the DEFAULT_THEME to arc-green for making the web interface use a dark background.

Configure nginx as reverse proxy

Tango-view-fullscreen.pngThis article or section needs expansion.Tango-view-fullscreen.png

Reason: Missing Apache HTTP Server/Caddy proxy example (Discuss in Talk:Gitea)

The following is an example of using nginx as reverse proxy for Gitea over unix socket (you need to provide the SSL certificate):

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
    server_name git.domain.tld;

    ssl_certificate /path/to/fullchain.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /path/to/privkey.pem;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://unix:/run/gitea/gitea.socket;

Update the [server] and [session] section of app.ini:

PROTOCOL                   = unix
DOMAIN                     = git.domain.tld
ROOT_URL                   = https://git.domain.tld
HTTP_ADDR                  = /run/gitea/gitea.socket
LOCAL_ROOT_URL             =

COOKIE_SECURE              = true
Note: You do not need to activate any SSL certificate options in /etc/gitea/app.ini.

For additional information and examples see Reverse Proxies section on Gitea documentation website [1].


Database error on startup after upgrade to 1.5.0

A problem can appear after the upgrade to 1.5.0. The service will not start, and the following error is present in the logs:

2018/08/21 16:11:12 [...itea/routers/init.go:60 GlobalInit()] [E] Failed to initialize ORM engine: migrate: do migrate: Sync2: Error 1071: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

To fix this problem, run the following command as the `root` user on your MySQL/MariaDB server

$ mysql -u root -p
MariaDB> set global innodb_large_prefix = `ON`;

gitea should stop complaining about key size and startup properly.

Process dumped core on ArchLinux ARM

Note: This configuration change has been in version 1.12.4-2

A problem can appear after pushing new repo. In web UI repo stay uninitialized, and the following error is present in the system journal:

# journalctl
Jun 06 14:34:20 rpi-srv systemd-coredump[5724]: Process 5722 (cat) of user 986 dumped core.

                                                Stack trace of thread 5722:
                                                #0  0x0000000076f06e58 posix_fadvise64 ( + 0xd2e58)

To fix this problem, override gitea.service:

# systemctl edit gitea

See also