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Reason: Project has not received any updates since 6 years, was removed from the AUR because monodevelop is abandoned now, too[1][2] (Discuss in Talk:JaNET)

Project jaNET provides a framework that allows various components to communicate, controlled interactively by the user. This procedure aim to act like a digital life assistant (DLA) and it is inspired by Iron Man's JARVIS.

The virtual she-butler comes to life through project jaNET, a platform ready to host multiple creative and innovative pieces of code concerning domestic everyday tasks.

jaNET provides a built in framework to fulfil most of our daily information manners (like e-mail notification, weather conditions etc) but it can also be extend by wrapping 3rd party applications, processes or scripts in order to become a more flexible and smart system!


Install janetAUR[broken link: package not found] from the AUR.

Note: jaNET requires heavy-weight dependencies like festival, simonAUR and Mono.

Manual installation

If you prefer manual installation, first install: monodevelop-binAUR[broken link: package not found] festival simonAUR.

You can grab the source here if you wish to develop; however, we are going to use the latest binary.

$ wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/project-janet/files/Binaries/Bin.tar.gz
# mkdir -p /usr/share/janet/scripts
# tar -xvf Bin.tar.gz -C /usr/share/janet

Create a launcher for jaNET now:

mono /usr/share/janet/jaNET.exe "$@"

Make it executable:

# chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/janet


jaNET is now installed however it and its dependencies needs to be configured!

Festival configuration

In order to get the female voice of "janet":

$ wget -c "http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/cmu_arctic/packed/cmu_us_slt_arctic-0.95-release.tar.bz2"
$ tar -xvjf cmu_us_slt_arctic-0.95-release.tar.bz2
# mkdir /usr/share/festival/voices/us
# mv cmu_us_slt_arctic /usr/share/festival/voices/us/cmu_us_slt_arctic_clunits

You need to edit /usr/share/festival/voices.scm and add cmu_us_slt_arctic_clunits to the default list on the top.

Test this by: (You should hear a female voice)

$ echo "Hello world." | festival --tts

Simon configuration

Open Simon program and go to Settings > Configure Simon > Model Settings and choose Static Model and load the HMM definition, Tiedlist, Macros and Stats. Those models can be found here.

Then go to Vocabulary and import a Shadow Vocabulary using dictionary type HTK Lexicon and import the VoxForgeDict from the HTK Accoustic Model we previously downloaded.

We also need jaNET scenarios, so in Simon go to Manage Scenarios > Import/Download search for jaNET and Install. Then click Commands tab and select Program > Janet > Edit and change jaNET's path with /usr/local/bin/janet.

Note: You should perhaps change also the gnome-terminal string since you may not have it installed, to use a terminal installed (e.g. xterm -e).

Those scencarios did not work for me however, so I have uploaded a working copy of the scenarios for jaNET with this configuration used here.

jaNET configuration

The main file used to configure jaNET is /usr/share/janet/AppConfig.xml.

Configuring alerts

In {{ic|AppConfig.xml in the Settings Sub-Tree: Settings > Alerts sets the email, and sms alerts that jaNET will send.

Configuring Bluetooth device

See Bluetooth in order to set up your bluetooth device. You will need the MAC address:

$ hcitool scan

In AppConfig.xml in the Settings sub-tree:

  • Settings > Bluetooth: Change the id to match your bluetooth device MAC address.
  • Settings > Bluetooth > name: Change this to your bluetooth device. E.g. "Samsung 1234".
  • Settings > Bluetooth > macAddr: Change this to match your bluetooth device MAC address.

You can also change the behavior when you enter and exit the area in the found and lost sections.

  • Example: adding an InstructionSet command to automatically sync your phonebook everytime you enter! Never lose all your contacts again!

Configuring weather updates

In AppConfig.xml in the Settings sub-tree:

Settings > Other > YahooForecastFeed

Go to https://weather.yahoo.com/ and enter your city/zip code. Click on the RSS feed and copy this link. Replace the YahooForecastFeed with this and update the InstructionSets that relate to weather with the appropriate city name.

Creating your own commands

Creating new commands for jaNET is easy! In order to configure simon you will need htk installed and using the adapted base model from definitions earlier used.

  • I have not been able to compile htk on x86_64 yet.
  • I have successfully compile htk on x86_64 with gcc-multilib.

jaNET allows you to run external commands and use the output in its replies! A walk-through of creating a package updates command.

Number of Arch package updates

You should have a /usr/share/festival/scripts directory now. If not, create it.

First install the pacman-contrib package, in order to acquire the checkupdates script.

Now all we need to do is add the new InstructionSets so that we can use this with jaNET! Edit your AppConfig.xml and add the following within the Instructions Sub-Tree.

<InstructionSet id="*archupdates">checkupdates</InstructionSet>
<InstructionSet id="archupdates">There are *archupdates available updates sir.</InstructionSet>

jaNET can now tell you how many updates you have!

janet 'archupdates;qexit'

Configuring Simon for Arch updates

TODO - Cannot do this currently without htk properly installed.

See also