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jabberd2 is an XMPP server, written in the C language and licensed as free software under the GNU General Public License. It was inspired by jabberd14.


Install the jabberd2AUR package.


Edit /etc/jabberd/c2s.xml and change the content of the tag <id register-enable='mu'> to your domain.

That is the line that will be added to your users id. (If you put there example.com, your users id will be something like user@example.com). If the jabber service is going to be accessible over open internet (instead of a VPN or LAN), then that name SHOULD be resolved by DNS to your server.

The register-enable='mu' part, allows the registration of accounts, using a standard jabber client.

Also set your server on sm.xml:



Enable jabberd.service, so it starts on boot.

See also