Logitech MX1000

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Reason: Blog post (Discuss in Talk:Logitech MX1000)

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Reason: No updates since 2007 (Discuss in Talk:Logitech MX1000)

Disclaimer: this information is current as of Arch Linux 2007.08 (Don't Panic). For later releases, your mileage may vary. In the true spirit of a Wiki, if you determine that this content needs to be updated for a later release, please go ahead and do so!

Quick overview

This Wiki page will show you how to get your MX1000 mouse working as desired. This is defined as:

  • Left click, Right click, Center click all working
  • Forward and Backward scroll wheel, Left and Right horizontal scrolling all working
  • The up and down scroll buttons in front and back of the scroll wheel working
  • Thumb buttons doing Forward and Back in your browser (Firefox used as an example)

What we will do to achieve this is:

  • Get and install evdev
  • Modify xorg.conf to use evdev as your mouse driver
  • Get and install xvkbd and xbindkeys
  • Create a ~/.xbindkeysrc containing the following:
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Alt_L]\[Left]""
m:0x0 + b:8
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Alt_L]\[Right]""
m:0x0 + b:9
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Up]""
m:0x0 + b:11
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Down]""
m:0x0 + b:12
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Left]""
m:0x0 + b:13 
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Right]""
m:0x0 + b:14

This will setup your MX1000 so that it works as desired.

That's the overview. Now onto the details of each step.

Install evdev

First, use evdev as the Xorg mouse driver. evdev is a newer driver that allows you to effectively use mice with more than 7 buttons. Get this module, install it, and make sure it is loaded each time you run Linux.

For Arch, this means:

# pacman --sync xf86-input-evdev

and adding "evdev" to the modules list in /etc/rc.conf.

Modify xorg.conf to use evdev as your mouse driver

Next, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, create an evdev-based input device that specifies your mouse (if your mouse does not work after changing to the evdev driver, it might be because evdev needs the "Device" option, fx 'Option "Device" "/dev/input/event4"', see https://web.archive.org/web/20071016235605/http://www.linux-gamers.net:80/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Mouse+Buttons&back=HOWTO+INDEX+Hardware for details):

# evdev based section for Logitech MX1000 mouse

Section "InputDevice"
   Identifier  "Evdev Mouse"
   Driver      "evdev"
   Option      "Name" "Logitech USB Receiver"
   Option      "CorePointer"

Note that none of the usual "Buttons" and "ZAxisMapping" statements are not needed with evdev. Note as well that the "Name" field above is critically important. This is the linkage between evdev and xorg. Find out the name for your device via:

# egrep "Name|Handlers" /proc/bus/input/devices

In the case of the Logitech MX1000 mouse, which is wireless, it is: "Logitech USB Receiver". Make sure you add the "Name" option to your InputDevice section for the mouse.

Modify Xorg ServerLayout to use zour evdev mouse

Now modify the Xorg server layout to use this mouse entry:

Section "ServerLayout"
   Identifier     "Xorg Configured"
   Screen         0  "Screen0" 0 0
   InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
   InputDevice    "Evdev Mouse" "CorePointer"

Map the mouse buttons to the desired functions

To get all of the buttons working and doing what you want them to, you need to use xev to map out the buttons: what buttons are recognized via evdev and what function each of the recognized buttons performs. Your job then is to move functions around between buttons, via xmodmap, if some functions are showing up on buttons you do not want them on (and presumably not showing on the buttons you DO want them on) and then add in any remaining functions via xbindkeys. The net result of this work should be a set of buttons on your MX1000 that do what you want.

Start by making sure that you have no legacy "xmodmap" commands in your startup sequence. Also, if you have a file called .xbindkeysrc in your home directory, move it out of there to somewhere else. Restart X.

Now, to start the mouse setup, we need to map out the mouse in its "raw" (totally unmapped) state, and understand what buttons are recognized via evdev and what function each of these buttons does in your application(s) of interest, usually file managers and web browsers.

To do this, open an xterm and type:

xev | grep -i button

Move your mouse pointer into the xev window and systematically move through each button on your mouse. Click the button and write down the button number (referred to hereafter as the "logical button number" for that button) that xev reports. When done, you can close xev. Next, go to you application of choice, usually your web browser, and try out each button there, noting down what function it performs.

When you are done with this, you will have a complete map of your mouse in its "raw" state:

  • Which buttons are recognized
  • The xev logical button number for each physical button on the mouse
  • What function each button performs in your application(s) of choice

When I did this for the MX1000 under Arch 2007.08, I got the following:

Mouse Button                 xev Button Number    Current Fn      Desired Fn
Left Click 1 Left Click Left Click
Scroll Wheel Center Click 2 Center Click Center Click
Right Click 3 Right Click Right Click
Scroll Fwd Roll 4 Scroll Fwd Scroll Fwd
Scroll Back Roll 5 Scroll Back Scroll Back
Back Thumb Button 8 None Browser Back
Forward Thumb Button 9 None Browser Fwd
Center Thumb Button 10 None None
Scroll Fwd Button 11 None None
Scroll Back Button 12 None None
Left Horizontal Scroll 13 None Left Scroll
Right Horizontal Scroll 14 None Right Scroll

Note that xev button numbers 6 and 7 are not defined by the above. evdev does not report any of the MX1000 buttons as button numbers 6 or 7.

Looking at the above, we see that we have no desired functions showing up on the wrong buttons, but we do have several desired functions that simply do not show up at all. So, the good news is that we do not need to fiddle with the infamous xmodmap command at all to get our MX1000 doing what we want it to.

A brief digression - moving functions amongst mouse buttons

A brief digression in the interests of completeness. What if we DID have functions showing up on the wrong buttons? How would we re-arrange them so that the desired functions showed up on the desired buttons? This is where xmodmap comes into play. In general, xmodmap maps logical buttons onto physical buttons. In the below:

xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14"

xmodmap maps logical buttons 1 - 14 onto identically the same physical buttons. The physical button number is implied; the numbers that you type represent the logical button number that will be reported when the associated physical button is pressed. Hence, the above statement is in essence a nil operation. It changes nothing.

However, as an example, lets assume that we had the Browser Back and Browser Forward functions showing up on Buttons 6 and 7 and that we wanted them on buttons 8 and 9 (this is NOT the case for the MX1000 - it is just being used as an example). In this case, the following statement would achieve the desired remapping:

xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 6 7 10 11 12 13 14"

As you can see, this statement maps logical button 8 into the position of physical button 6, logical button 9 into the position of physical button 7 and so on. Hence, when physical button 6 is pressed, the original function of physical button 8 will be reported by evdev. Similarly, when physical button 7 is pressed, the original function of physical button 9 will be reported. In case you are experiencing temporary confusion about the actual buttons on your mouse and the physical buttons numbers being referred to here, remember that you established the evdev mapping between the actual buttons on your MX1000 and the physical button numbers being discussed here when you mapped the mouse in its "raw" state above.

This ends the digression. In case you ever do need to do this with another mouse, you now know how to use xmodmap to move logical functions around between buttons on your mouse.

Enable thumb button forward and back

Back to the MX1000. As we discovered from our mapping exercise, there are no functions showing up on the wrong mouse buttons, just several functions that are not showing up at all. We will use xbindkeys to resolve this, by discovering the keystrokes that cause the browser to do the desired function, and then mapping those keystrokes onto the mouse buttons of interest.

Unfortunately, the only way to determine the keystrokes that produce the desired result is to experiment until you find them. For Firefox, it turns out that ALT-Left_Arrow causes the browser to perform the Back function, and ALT-Right_Arrow causes it to do the Forward function. So, we wish to map MX1000 physical button 8 (the Back thumb button) to ALT+Left_Arrow and MX1000 physical button 9 (the Forward thumb button) to ALT+Right_Arrow.

To do this mapping, get and install xvkbd and xbindkeys.

For Arch, this means:

# pacman --sync xvkbd
# pacman --sync xbindkeys

Now create file ~/.xbindkeysrc, containing:

# Mouse Buttons
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Alt_L]\[Left]""
m:0x0 + b:8 
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Alt_L]\[Right]""
m:0x0 + b:9

and add the following to your .xinitrc, or somewhere where it will be executed each time X starts:

% xbindkeys

At this point, the MX1000's Forward and Back buttons should be doing your bidding in at least Firefox. Now what about horizontal scrolling?

Enable scroll wheel tilt horizontal scrolling

The MX1000 comes with a tilting scroll wheel. If you tilt it to the left, the intent is that the screen should scroll to the left. Tilt it to the right and the screen should scroll to the right. To get this function working in Firefox, we need to discover the keystrokes that cause Firefox to scroll left and right and then map those onto MX1000 physical buttons 13 and 14 respectively (the scroll wheel's tilt left and right button numbers, as we discovered above when we mapped the mouse in its "raw" state via xev.

So, what are the required keystrokes? Like the above, it turns out that you have to determine which keys they are through trial and error unfortunately. For Firefox, you will eventually discover that a left arrow key scrolls the screen the left and a right arrow key scrolls it to the right. So, our objective is to map MX1000 physical button 13 to Left_Arrow and MX1000 physical button 14 to Right_Arrow.

To do this, simply add the following to the .xbindkeysrc we created above:

"/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Left]""
m:0x0 + b:13
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Right]""
m:0x0 + b:14

That is it. Restart X and you will find that left and right scrolling now work just fine!

Enable scroll wheel front, back button scrolling

The MX1000 has a button immediately in front of the scroll wheel and one immediately behind the scroll wheel. These are intended to be a click-able way of scrolling up and down in addition to the "roll the scroll wheel" way. Per the above initial mapping of the mouse, we have seen that evdev reports these as buttons 11 and 12.

By trial and error, we can learn that Firefox performs scrolling up and down when the Up Arrow key and the Down Arrow key respectively are pressed. If you have a number pad on your keyboard, and Numlock is off, this same is true of the number pad 8 and 2 keys.

To enable the scroll wheel buttons, simply add a little more to your ~/.xbindkeysrc, per:

"/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Up]""
m:0x0 + b:11
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Down]""
m:0x0 + b:12

One button left

There is a button on the MX1000 in the middle between the Forward and Back thumb buttons that I believe Logitech calls the Tasks button. I have never found a use for this particular button, but as we saw above, evdev reports it as button 10:

Using the ~/.xbindkeysrc approach, you should be able to map this button onto any function that you may find useful. Good luck!


At this point, your MX1000 should be working exactly to your taste. In summary, what we have done is:

  • Installed evdev and used it as the xorg driver for our MX1000 mouse
  • Mapped the mouse with xev to determine what buttons are recognized by evdev and what their logical button number is
  • Moved any functions that were showing up on the wrong buttons onto the desired buttons (we did not need to do this with the MX1000, but it is something that will frequently be needed for other mice, so we went through it for completeness)
  • Mapped some desired functions onto the intended buttons via xbindkeys

Of course, this is not MX1000 specific at all - you can apply these steps to ANY mouse and get it working too.

All done! Simple n'est pas? :-) Enjoy your MX1000!