TICK stack

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The TICK stack is a collection of associated technologies that consists of Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf and Kapacitor. They combine to deliver a platform for storing, capturing, monitoring and visualizing data that is in time series.

The TICK stack consists of the following technologies:

  • #Telegraf – collection of tie sequential data from a range of sources including IoT devices.
  • #InfluxDB – high performance and efficient database store for handling high volumes of time-series data.
  • #Chronograf – real-time visualization of InfluxDB data.
  • #Kapacitor – monitoring and alerting based on views of InfluxDB data and anomalies contained within those views.
Note: These components do not have to be used altogether. Also they can be replaced with other preferred tools (e.g. Grafana instead of Chronograf) or not used at all (e.g. Kapacitor).



Install the telegrafAUR or the telegraf-binAUR package.


Main configuration file is stored at /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf. For available plugins, configuration and customization, see upstream documentation.

Also start and enable telegraf.service.



Install the influxdb package.


For configuration, see upstream documentation.

Also start and enable influxdb.service.

Upgrading from 1.8.x

InfluxDB 2.0.4 was released on 2021-02-25, and requires a manual upgrade step.

Note: The following appears to work, but was written by someone with little familiarity with InfluxDB. See FS#68763.
# systemctl stop influxdb.service
# influxd --bolt-path /var/lib/private/influxdb.v2/influxd.bolt --engine-path /var/lib/private/influxdb.v2/engine --v2-config-path /etc/influxdb/config.toml upgrade
# mv /var/lib/private/influxdb /var/lib/private/influxdb.v1-backup
# mv /var/lib/private/influxdb.v2 /var/lib/private/influxdb
# mv /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf.v1-backup
# chown -R influxdb.influxdb /var/lib/private/influxdb
# systemctl start influxdb.service

Edit /etc/influxdb/config.toml and remove bolt-path and engine-path lines (these are set correctly by the systemd unit).



Install the chronografAUR or the chronograf-binAUR package.


Main configuration file is stored at /etc/chronograf/chronograf.conf. For configuration, see upstream documentation.

Also start and enable chronograf.service.



Install the kapacitorAUR or the kapacitor-binAUR package.


Main configuration file is stored at /etc/kapacitor/kapacitor.conf. For configuration, see upstream documentation. Many examples can also be found in official github repository.

Also start and enable kapacitor.service.

See also