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WMFS2 is a lightweight and highly configurable tiling window manager for X written in C. WMFS2 is a free software distributed under the BSD license. it can be drive from keyboard or mouse and it's configuration stands in one text file easily understandable.

Differences from WMFS

For those moving from the original WMFS, there are a few differences to be aware of:

  • Window management no longer revolves around preset tiling layouts; rather, clients are arranged manually using the mouse or keyboard shortcuts
  • The syntax of ~/.config/wmfs/wmfsrc (the default configuration file) has changed slightly; those wishing to merge config files should do so carefully
  • There is no longer an application menu
  • Xft is no longer supported
  • Aesthetically, WMFS2 is more minimalistic than its predecessor

And of course, the new, fun stuff:

  • Multiple status bars are supported, and statusbars are more configurable
  • Tags may be dynamically created and destroyed
  • Custom text- and icon-based launchers may be created, including a click-able "dock"
  • Icons may be used in place of tag names


WMFS2 can be installed via the wmfs2-gitAUR package.

Basic usage

WMFS2 primarily differs from the original WMFS in the way windows are managed. While in the previous version windows were arranged according to predefined layouts - as they are in window managers such as DWM and Awesome - WMFS2 features key and mouse bindings allowing the user to manually configure layouts on each tag - as is the case with wmii, i3 and others.

If one opens, say, multiple instances of a terminal (by default, Super+Enter opens urxvt), they will be arranged in a diminishing "spiral" on the screen, with each one opening on the left side in smaller and smaller sizes. These can then be rotated, changing the orientation of the master window (the one that takes up have the screen on its own) and slave windows (the ones that shrink as you open more). Also, windows may be "tabbed" together, maximizing all clients and placing independent tabs in a single titlebar at the top of the window. This keeps the focused window maximized while placing the others "behind" it, and allowing the user to cycle through them using a key binding, thus preventing the need to click on a taskbar or dock to repeatedly minimize/maximize individual windows.

Individual clients can be rearranged using keyboard shortcuts; alternatively, a window can be clicked-and-dragged by its titlebar, or may be clicked-and-dragged from any point in the client while holding down a mod key such as Alt or Super (the Windows key). Finally, they may also be toggled into "free" or "floating" mode, and moved around like stacked windows on a traditional desktop.

Both key and mouse bindings are specified under the [keys] section of wmfsrc, and the keybindings and possible functions are explained on the WMFS2 wiki.


Copy the default configuration file to your home folder:

 $ cp /etc/xdg/wmfs/wmfsrc ~/.config/wmfs/wmfsrc

By default, this single configuration file is all that is required. If so desired, the file can be split into separate parts (e.g. one file for themes, one for keybindings, etc.) by using the @include command near the top of wmfsrc. For example,

@include ~/.config/wmfs/themes

tells WMFS to source a text file named "themes." Various themes/colorschemes can be written to the file, and on start-up WMFS will apply the one specified in wmfsrc. Themes are applied independently for the panel itself, tags ("virtual desktop" markers) and window borders and titlebars.


The [themes] section of wmfsrc dictates the color and width of statusbars, tags, window borders and titlebars. Colors are specified by way of their hex codes, e.g. #FFFFFF specifies pure white, while #000000 specifies pure black. As mentioned above, multiple themes can be written out in a separate text file, and then applied to each element individually by adding a theme section to the relevant section.


The [client] section of wmfsrc specifies general rules on how clients behave, while the [rules] section dictates how individual applications are to be handled by the window manager.


  theme = "default"
  key_modifier = "Super"

  [mouse] button = "1" func = "client_focus_click"    [/mouse]
  [mouse] button = "1" func = "mouse_swap"            [/mouse]
  [mouse] button = "2" func = "mouse_tab"             [/mouse]
  [mouse] button = "3" func = "mouse_resize"          [/mouse]
  [mouse] button = "4" func = "client_focus_next_tab" [/mouse]
  [mouse] button = "5" func = "client_focus_prev_tab" [/mouse]



      instance = "chromium"
      # class = ""
      # role   = ""
      # name   = ""
      # theme  = "default"

      tag    = 1  # 2nd tag
      screen = 0

      free       = false
      tab        = false


By default, all clients open on the currently active tag, and can be manipulated using the default mouse or key bindings. By specifying per-application rules, the user can control which applications open on which tags, whether they will be floating by default, and whether they will be tabbed or not.

  • theme: The chosen colors of window borders and titlebars, as specified under [theme] (Note: if name is not set under [theme] it defaults to name = "default")
  • key_modifier: The modifier key(s) (Alt, Shift, Super, Ctrl) to use in order to click-and-drag a client
  • tag: Which tag to open the window on. Tag numbers begin with zero (0), and correspond with the order of tags from left-to-right
  • screen: If multiple monitors are used, which screen to display the client on, beginning with zero (0) as the primary display
  • free: Whether the client is openend "floating" or not
  • tab: Whether to tab the client with another, existing client when opened
  • ignore_tag: Specify to client to ignore tags (client is displayed on every tag)
  • autofocus: Give focus to new created clients. default is false

The first several options are essentially all the potential names a running program/process might have, as specified in the output of xorg-xprop. So long as the instance entry correctly displays the WM_Class portion of the xprop output, there should be no need to worry about the class, role or name sections, and they may be left commented out.


The "statusbar" is a panel at the edge of the screen that displays pertinent information about tags and clients. System data can also be called by external scripts and then passed to wmfs via the wmfs -c status command, which displays the information in the specified statusbar. Those wishing to take advantage of multiple statusbars in WMFS2 will need to specify distinct names in wmfsrc in order to print different data in each bar. Something as simple as top and bottom will suffice.

# Position:
  # 0  Top
  # 1  Bottom
  # 2  Hide

  # Element type:
  # t  Tags
  # s  Statustext (will take available space)
  # y  Systray (can be set only ONE time among all element)
  # l  Launcher (will be expended at launcher use)

     name = "top"
     position = 0
     screen = 0
     elements = "tsy"   # element order in bar
     theme = "default"
     name = "bottom"
     position = 1
     screen = 0
     elements = "s"   # element order in bar
     theme = "default"

If only one statusbar/panel is desired, the name entry is not required.


  • Tags: Displays all available tags, and indicates which one(s) is currently visible and which have open clients
  • Statustext: Displays system information in the panel/bar, which is fed to it from external sources like BASH scripts or Conky
  • Systray: A simple system tray displaying icons for programs that are minimized/running in the background
  • Launcher: Refers to the text-based, dmenu-like process launcher

The options for each element use relatively similar syntax, which can be found on the WMFS2 wiki. Additionally, each element features specialized status options, discussed below.


As with most tiling window managers, WMFS2 utilizes "tags" to help organize windows. Tags are similar to virtual desktops or workspaces, but with a few important differences: For example, multiple tags can be displayed on one screen, or clients can be assigned to more than one tag.

Tags are displayed on the left end of the statusbar, and can be assigned either numbers (the default) or names in [tags] section of wmfsrc.


  # Use no screen option or screen = -1 to set tag on each screen
      screen = -1
      name = "1"
      # statusline ""

  [tag] name = "2" [/tag]
  [tag] name = "3" [/tag]
  [tag] name = "4" [/tag]
  [tag] name = "5" [/tag]
  [tag] name = "6" [/tag]
  [tag] name = "7" [/tag]

  # Mousebinds associated to Tags element button
  [mouse] button = "1" func = "tag_click" [/mouse]
  [mouse] button = "4" func = "tag_next"  [/mouse]
  [mouse] button = "5" func = "tag_prev"  [/mouse]


If desired, icons may also be used; simply change the default tag entries as follows:

[tag] screen = 0 name = "   " statusline = "^i[x;y;ww;hh;path/to/image/file]" [/tag]

The "x" and "y" represent the horizontal and vertical positions; "ww" and "hh" the width and height.

By default the status of the tags--whether they contain clients or not, and which tag is currently visible on the screen--is indicated by colors specified in the [theme] section of wmfsrc. However, they can also be marked using small boxes, a la DWM and Awesome, by modifying the appropriate line in the [theme] section of wmfsrc.

tags_sel_statusline = "\R[2;2;4;4;#BD0406]"

tags_occupied_statusline = "\R[7;13;13;2;#C68709] " 

The first option will place a small red box next to the currently active tag; the second will place a think yellow line underneath occupied tags. A similar options exist for urgent notifications.


Unlike its predecessor, WMFS2 does not have a drop-down application menu. Instead, it features a text-based application launcher, which can be called by pressing Alt+p.

Custom launchers using either text or icons can be created as well. The following string places a launcher for Firefox on the left end of the statusbar (next to the tags display), and opens firefox when clicked:

^s[left;<color>; wall ยท](1;spawn;firefox)

The text can be positioned either to the left or right. The first number in the parenthases (1) specifies which mouse button calls the command when pressed.

Alternatively, one can use an external launcher such as dmenu as a launcher by binding it to a key combination, for example:

[key] mod = {"Super"} key = "space" func = "spawn" cmd = "dmenu_run" [/key]

Dmenu customization options can be used just as easily; just add them to the string.

[key] mod = {"Super"} key = "space" func = "spawn" cmd = "dmenu_run -p 'Arch Linux' -fn '-*-bitocra-medium-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -nf '#4F4F4F' -nb '#363636' -sf '#FFA500' -sb '#4F4F4F' " [/key]

This is the section of the statusbar dedicated to displaying various system data, such as available hard drive space, CPU frequency, or information about the currently playing song in mpd. The text is fed into the bar from external scripts via the wmfs -c status command. The information can be displayed as plain or colored text, colored boxes, progressbars, positionbars, graphs, icons and pop-up tooltips. This can be accomplished using either individual bash scripts written to suit the user's needs, or by piping conky data directly into the statusbar.