Bash (简体中文)/Functions (简体中文)
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从笔记 (note taker) 得到启发,一个小的 todo 脚本
todo() { test -f $HOME/.todo || touch $HOME/.todo if test $# = 0 then cat $HOME/.todo elif test $1 = -l then cat -n $HOME/.todo elif test $1 = -c then > $HOME/.todo elif test $1 = -r then cat -n $HOME/.todo echo -ne "----------------------------\nType a number to remove: " read NUMBER sed -ie ${NUMBER}d $HOME/.todo else echo $@ >> $HOME/.todo fi }
一个小的笔记(note taker)
note () { #if file doesn't exist, create it [ -f $HOME/.notes ] || touch $HOME/.notes #no arguments, print file if [ $# = 0 ] then cat $HOME/.notes #clear file elif [ $1 = -c ] then > $HOME/.notes #add all arguments to file else echo "$@" >> $HOME/.notes fi }
解压缩函数,另外你也可以使用 atool (在 [community] 仓库中)
extract() { local e=0 i c for i; do if [ -f $i && -r $i ]; then c= case $i in *.tar.bz2) c='tar xjf' ;; *.tar.gz) c='tar xzf' ;; *.bz2) c='bunzip2' ;; *.gz) c='gunzip' ;; *.tar) c='tar xf' ;; *.tbz2) c='tar xjf' ;; *.tgz) c='tar xzf' ;; *.7z) c='7z x' ;; *.Z) c='uncompress' ;; *.exe) c='cabextract' ;; *.rar) c='unrar x' ;; *.xz) c='unxz' ;; *.zip) c='unzip' ;; *) echo "$0: cannot extract \`$i': Unrecognized file extension" >&2; e=1 ;; esac [ $c ] && command $c "$i" else echo "$0: cannot extract \`$i': File is unreadable" >&2; e=2 fi done return $e }
docview () { if [ -f $1 ] ; then case $1 in *.pdf) xpdf $1 ;; *.ps) oowriter $1 ;; *.odt) oowriter $1 ;; *.txt) leafpad $1 ;; *.doc) oowriter $1 ;; *) echo "don't know how to extract '$1'..." ;; esac else echo "'$1' is not a valid file!" fi }
calc() { echo "scale=3;$@" | bc -l ; }
Kingbash - 菜单驱动的自动完成 (参见
从AUR安装kingbashAUR[损坏的链接:package not found] 然后插入下面的代码到 .bashrc
function kingbash.fn() { echo -n "KingBash> $READLINE_LINE" #Where "KingBash> " looks best if it resembles your PS1, at least in length. OUTPUT=`/usr/bin/kingbash "$(compgen -ab -A function)"` READLINE_POINT=`echo "$OUTPUT" | tail -n 1` READLINE_LINE=`echo "$OUTPUT" | head -n -1` echo -ne "\r\e[2K"; } bind -x '"\t":kingbash.fn'