GNOME (简体中文)/Troubleshooting (简体中文)
Gnome Shell 界面卡死
如果 Gnome Shell 的界面卡死了(可能是由于某些外观调整异常、某个扩展出问题,或内存不足),你可能就连按下 Alt
+ F2
并输入 r 的机会都没有。这时,请试着切换到另一个 TTY(Ctrl + Alt + F2) 上,并输入命令pkill -HUP gnome-shell
。Gnome Shell 将重新启动,可能需要个几十秒。这样的重启方式不会注销已登录的用户,因此所有的程序也将继续运行。不过,保存你正在编辑文件总是个好主意。
如果这也不行,那你可能得重新启动 Xorg 服务器。如果你通过终端登录,输入 pkill X
;如果你通过 GDM 登录,输入 systemctl restart gdm
。但需要注意的是,重启 Xorg 服务器会导致已登录的用户被注销,因此请确保在这之前已经设法保存你所有的文件。
Incorrect application defaults
When installing applications for the first time you may find that GNOME has the wrong application associated to a certain protocols - for instance, easytag becomes the folder handler instead of GNOME Files.
For GNOME Files see the following page: GNOME Files#Files is no longer the default file manager.
For Document Viewer, run the following command:
$ xdg-mime default evince.desktop application/pdf
For other applications, default handler settings are detailed on the following page: Default applications.
Optionally, you can install gnome-defaults-listAUR. It will place your configuration file at /etc/gnome/defaults.list
Tracker & Documents do not list any local files
In order for Tracker (and, therefore, Documents) to detect your local files, they must be stored in an XDG compliant directory (such as 'Documents' or 'Music'). For more information, see XDG user directories.
You can also configure Tracker to recursively search inside specific directories such as your home directory. These settings can be made using tracker-preferences
Unable to add accounts in Empathy and GNOME Online Accounts
Empathy, the engine behind integrated messaging, GNOME Online Accounts, and all other system settings based on messaging accounts will not function correctly unless the telepathy group of packages or at least one of the backends (telepathy-gabble, or telepathy-haze, for example) is installed. View descriptions of telepathy components on the telepathy wiki.
Cannot change settings in dconf-editor
When one cannot set settings in dconf, it is possible their dconf user settings are corrupt. In this case it is best to delete the user dconf files in ~/.config/dconf/user*
and set the settings in dconf-editor after.
When an extension breaks the shell
When enabling shell extensions causes GNOME breakage, you should first remove the user-theme and auto-move-windows extensions from their installation directory.
The installation directory could be one of ~/.local/share/gnome‑shell/extensions
, /usr/share/gnome‑shell/extensions
or /usr/local/share/gnome‑shell/extensions
. Removing these two extension-containing folders may fix the breakage. Otherwise, isolate the problem extension with trial‑and‑error.
Removing or adding an extension-containing folder to the aforementioned directories removes or adds the corresponding extension to your system. Details on GNOME Shell extensions are available at the GNOME web site.
If you have trouble with uninstalling an extension via, then probably they have been installed as system-wide extensions with the gnome-shell-extensions package. Removing the package again obviously affects all user accounts.
扩展在 GNOME 3 升级后不工作了
Before trying the workarounds below, check if an update is available for the extension by visiting
If there is no update for your current GNOME version yet, use the following command to disable version validation for extensions:
$ gsettings set disable-extension-version-validation true
Alternatively, you could modify the extension itself, changing the supported shell version to satisfy the version validation. See the method below.
找到扩展的安装目录,可能是 ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions
或 /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions
编辑扩展子文件夹中的每一个 metadata.json
Insert: |
"shell-version": ["3.x"]
Instead of (for example): |
"shell-version": ["3.4"]
是最好的选择,这个表示扩展能在所有 3.x GNOME Shell版本下工作。
只有 conky 运行时键盘快捷方式不工作
gnome-shell 键盘快捷方式(如 Alt+F2,Alt+F1 和多媒体键快捷方式)当只有 conky 运行时不会工作。然而如果另一个程序(例如 gedit)在运行,键盘快捷方式就可以工作了。
解决方式:编辑 .conkyrc
own_window yes own_window_transparent yes own_window_argb_visual yes own_window_type dock own_window_class Conky own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
Unable to apply stored configuration for monitors
If you encounter this message try to disable the xrandr gnome-settings-daemon plugin
$ dconf write /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/xrandr/active false
See Cursor themes#Desktop environments.
Windows cannot be modified with Alt-Key + mouse-button
In GNOME 3.6 and above, the mouse button modifier (the key that allows you to drag a window from a location other than the titlebar) is the Super
key instead of the Alt
key which was used in the past. The change was made in response to the following bug report.
To change the mouse button modifier back to the Alt
key, execute the following:
$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences mouse-button-modifier '<Alt>'
Problems with the loading of system icons, such the ones in the title bar of Files, might be solved by installing (or re-installing) the gdk-pixbuf2 package.
Re-installing the aforementioned package may also fix repeated occurrences of the "Oh no! Something has gone wrong!" error screen and/or very slow loading and login with GDM as described in the following forum thread.
Artifacts when maximizing windows
Maximizing windows may cause artifacts as of GNOME 3.12.0 - see the following forum thread and bug report. A solution is detailed in the following section: #Tear-free video with Intel HD Graphics.
Tear-free video with Intel HD Graphics
- Intel TearFree
Enabling the Xorg Intel TearFree option is a known workaround for tearing problems on Intel adapters. However, the way this option acts makes it redundant with the use of a compositor (it increases memory consumption and lowers performance, see the original bug report's final comment).
- DRI3
According to this bug report, DRI3 includes the buffer_age
extension that allows GNOME Shell's Mutter compositor to sync windows to vblank in an efficient way. DRI3 support is not compiled in to the mesa package, so you have to recompile mesa with --enable-dri3
in the ./configure
flags (see ABS). Then enable it in the Xorg driver:
Section "Device" Identifier "Intel Graphics" Driver "intel" Option "DRI" "3" EndSection
- Mutter tweaks
GNOME Shell's Mutter compositor has a tweak known to address tearing problems (see the original suggestion for this fix and its mention in the Freedesktop bug report). To enable this tweak, append the following line to /etc/environment
: CLUTTER_PAINT=disable-clipped-redraws:disable-culling
. Then restart the Xorg server.
Window opens behind other windows when using multiple monitors
This is possibly a bug in GNOME Shell which causes new windows to open behind others. To fix this issue, one can run the following command:
$ gsettings set workspaces-only-on-primary false
Some laptops have a touchpad lock button that disables the touchpad so that users can type without worrying about touching the touchpad. Currently, it appears that although GNOME can lock the touchpad by pressing this button, it cannot unlock it. If the touchpad gets locked you can run the following to unlock it:
$ xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Device Enabled" 1
GNOME Shell键盘源菜单不可见
A menu showing the keyboard input sources (for example 'en' for an English keyboard layout) should be visible next to the status area containing icons for network, volume and power sources. If the keyboard sources menu is not visible, this is probably because you have configured your Xorg keyboard layout in a way which GNOME does not recognise.
To ensure that the menu is visible, remove any Xorg keyboard configuration you might have created and set the keyboard locale using localectl.
Upon running the command and then logging out, you should find that the keyboard input sources menu is visible in GDM and in the GNOME Shell desktop. See Input sources in GNOME for more information.
When using a separate window manager with gnome-settings-daemon, the mouse cursor may vanish. Run:
$ gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active false
If XScreenSaver is installed, ensure that it is not running at startup, see GNOME#Autostart.
If you are running PulseAudio in system-wide mode, the PulseAudio 7.0 upgrade breaks GDM and GNOME. See this forum post for more information.
GNOME crashes when trying to reorder applications in the GNOME Shell Dash
The dash is the "toolbar" that appears, by default, on the left when you click Activities. Applications can be reordered in the dash by dragging and dropping. If this fails, and/or causes GNOME to crash, try changing your icon theme.