GnuTLS (简体中文)
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根据 Wikipedia:
- GnuTLS (the GNU Transport Layer Security Library) is a free software implementation of the TLS, SSL and DTLS protocols. It offers an application programming interface (API) for applications to enable secure communication over the network transport layer, as well as interfaces to access X.509, PKCS #12, OpenPGP and other structures.
要与 Apache HTTP Server 集成,请安装 mod_gnutls。
有关以下各节中使用的命令,请参见 certtool(1);有关 API 文档,请参见信息文档。
生成 RSA 私钥
$ certtool -p --rsa --bits=keysize
$ certtool -q --load-privkey private_key --outfile file
$ certtool -s --load-privkey private_key --outfile file