Network configuration (简体中文)/Wireless (简体中文)
默认的 Arch Linux 内核是模块化的,,硬件的设备驱动作为内核模块保存在硬盘上。启动时 udev 会根据硬件加载不同的驱动模块,这就创建了需要的网络接口。
有些无线芯片需要额外的固件,默认安装的 linux-firmware 提供了很多固件。如果缺失需要的固件,请查看 #安装 driver/firmware.
Udev 不是完美的,有些内核模块需要手动安装. 有些时候 Udev 会同时加载相互冲突的多个模块,就需要屏蔽 不需要的模块。
根据设备是 PCI 还是 USB 连接,执行 lspci -k
或 lsusb -v
$ lspci -k
06:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation WiFi Link 5100 Subsystem: Intel Corporation WiFi Link 5100 AGN Kernel driver in use: iwlwifi Kernel modules: iwlwifi
如果是 USB 设备,执行 dmesg | grep usbcore
可以看到类似下面的输出 usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8187
通过 ip link
查看无线 (设备名[损坏的链接:无效的章节],通常是类似 wlp2s1
) 的设备。启用设备:
# ip link set <设备名> up
安装 driver/firmware
错误信息SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory
# dmesg | grep firmware
[ 7.148259] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: loaded firmware version build 35138 op_mode iwldvm
# dmesg | grep iwlwifi
[ 12.342694] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: irq 44 for MSI/MSI-X [ 12.353466] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: loaded firmware version build 35138 op_mode iwldvm [ 12.430317] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: CONFIG_IWLWIFI_DEBUG disabled ... [ 12.430341] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: Detected Intel(R) Corporation WiFi Link 5100 AGN, REV=0x6B
- 查看Linux 支持的无线驱动表格并查看对应的Driver页面,此外还有一个 Linux Wi-Fi 设备 IDs 列表.
- Ubuntu Wiki 维护了一个设备被内核和用户空间驱动支持状况的列表。
- Linux 无线支持页面 和硬件兼容性列表(HCL)也维护了一个内核友好的设备列表。
注意有些厂商的产品即使有相同的名称,实际使用的芯片却是不同的。必须通过usb-id (USB设备) 或 pci-id (PCI设备) 进行判断。
如果列表中没有,可能你的设备只提供了 Windows 驱动(比如 Broadcom, 3com 等)。这时需要用 ndiswrapper[失效链接 2020-08-04 ⓘ].
Ndiswrapper 可以在 Linux 中使用 Windows 驱动。兼容性列表在 这里[失效链接 2020-08-04 ⓘ]. 需要 Windows 中安装的 .inf
和 .sys
文件。如果有更新的网卡,请通过互联网搜索型号名称 + 'linux' 以获取更多信息。
- 配置方式,从完全手动执行每一步到软件自动管理、自动启动
- 是否使用加密及加密类型
- 是否需要区分网络配置,是否经常切换不同网络(比如手提电脑)
- 如果要在不同网络间切换,使用工具会更方便
无论选的那个方案,最好先尝试手动方法。这将有助于您了解不同步骤的意义,并在出问题时解决之。 如果可以的话(比如说你在管理你自己的无线接入点),尝试连接一个开放的无线网络来检查是否所有的配置都在正常工作。然后再尝试加密的无线接入点,比如WEP(更易于配置)或者WPA。
管理方法 | 接口激活 | 无线连接管理 (/=alternatives) |
IP 地址分配 (/=alternatives) |
手动设置 无加密或 WEP 加密 |
ip | iw/iwconfig | ip/dhcpcd/dhclient/networkd |
手动管理 WPA 或 WPA2 PSK 加密 |
ip | iw/iwconfig + wpa_supplicant | ip/dhcpcd/dhclient |
自动管理 支持网络配置 |
netctl、Wicd、NetworkManager 等等 这些工具会自动安装手动配置需要的工具。 |
软件包 wireless_tools 提供了建立无线连接的基础工具。如果你需要使用 WPA/WPA2 加密,还需要 wpa_supplicant。 这些强大的用户空间终端工具提供了完全的控制手段。
这些例子假设无线设备是 wlan0
, 请将其替换为正确的设备名。
和其它网络接口一样,无线设备也是通过 iproute2 软件包提供的 ip 命令进行。
- iw - 仅支持 nl80211 标准,不支持老的 WEXT (Wireless EXTentions) 标准。如果 iw 没有显示网卡,可能是这个原因。
- wireless_tools - 已经过时,但是依然广泛使用。WEXT 设备使用此工具。
- wpa_supplicant - 提供 WPA/WPA2 加密支持,同时支持 nl80211 和 WEXT。
下面表格给出了 iw
和 wireless_tools
命令的对比(更多示例参阅 这里)。
iw 命令 | wireless_tools 命令 | 描述 |
iw dev wlan0 link | iwconfig wlan0 | 获取连接状态 |
iw dev wlan0 scan | iwlist wlan0 scan | 扫描可用热点 |
iw dev wlan0 set type ibss | iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc | 设置操作模式为 ad-hoc. |
iw dev wlan0 connect your_essid | iwconfig wlan0 essid your_essid | 连接到开放网络 |
iw dev wlan0 connect your_essid 2432 | iwconfig wlan0 essid your_essid freq 2432M | 连接到开放网络的一个频道 |
iw dev wlan0 connect your_essid key 0:your_key | iwconfig wlan0 essid your_essid key your_key | 用16进制加密密码访问 WEP 加密网络 |
iw dev wlan0 connect your_essid key 0:your_key | iwconfig wlan0 essid your_essid key s:your_key | 用 ASCII 密码访问 WEP 加密网络. |
iw dev wlan0 set power_save on | iwconfig wlan0 power on | 启用省电模式 |
iw 官方文档 包含更多示例。
- 获取接口名:
$ iw dev
phy#0 Interface wlan0 ifindex 3 wdev 0x1 addr 12:34:56:78:9a:bc type managed channel 1 (2412 MHz), width: 40 MHz, center1: 2422 MHz
- 检查连接状态,未连接时,可以看到:
$ iw dev wlan0 link
Not connected.
连接到 AP 后可以看到:
$ iw dev wlan0 link
Connected to 12:34:56:78:9a:bc (on wlan0) SSID: MyESSID freq: 2412 RX: 33016518 bytes (152703 packets) TX: 2024638 bytes (11477 packets) signal: -53 dBm tx bitrate: 150.0 MBit/s MCS 7 40MHz short GI bss flags: short-preamble short-slot-time dtim period: 1 beacon int: 100
- 获取统计数据:
$ iw dev wlan0 station dump
Station 12:34:56:78:9a:bc (on wlan0) inactive time: 1450 ms rx bytes: 24668671 rx packets: 114373 tx bytes: 1606991 tx packets: 8557 tx retries: 623 tx failed: 1425 signal: -52 dBm signal avg: -53 dBm tx bitrate: 150.0 MBit/s MCS 7 40MHz short GI authorized: yes authenticated: yes preamble: long WMM/WME: yes MFP: no TDLS peer: no
(可能需要) 一些无线网卡在使用 wireless_tools前需要激活内核接口:
# ip link set wlan0 up
如果出现错误 RTNETLINK answers: Operation not possible due to RF-kill
, 请确保硬件开关已经打开。参阅 #Rfkill 警告[损坏的链接:无效的章节]。
# ip link show wlan0
3: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN mode DORMANT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 12:34:56:78:9a:bc brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
# iw dev wlan0 scan |less
也会产生这个问题。同样无线网络可能被软禁于,请运行 rfkill list all
- SSID: 网络的名称.
- Signal: 用 dbm (-100 to 0) 报告的无线信号强度。数值越接近零,信号越好。观察高质量连接和低质量连接的数值差异可以了解设备的信号范围。
Security: 没有直接报告, 检查
信息,例如capability: ESS Privacy ShortSlotTime (0x0411)
, 表示网络具有某种程度的保护,- 如果有
信息,网络被 Robust Security Network(WPA2) 协议保护。 - 如果有
信息,网络被 Wi-Fi Protected Access 协议保护。 - 在
信息块中,可能看到如下信息: - 如果没有看到
, 表示使用的是 WEP.
- 如果有
设置无线网卡的操作模式,如果连接到漫游网络,需要设置操作模式为 ibss
# iw wlan0 set type ibss
ip link set wlan0 down
假设要使用的接入点 ESSID 为 MyEssid
- 无加密
# iw wlan0 connect MyEssid
使用十六进制或 ASCII 密码(格式是自动识别出来的,因为 WEP 密码长度是固定的):
# iw dev wlan0 connect your_essid key 0:your_key
使用十六进制或 ASCII 密码,第三个是默认 (从0计数,共四个):
# iw dev wlan0 connect your_essid key d:2:your_key
# wpa_supplicant -i interface -c <(wpa_passphrase your_SSID your_key)
假设设备使用 wext
驱动。如果无法工作,可能需要调整选项,参见 WPA supplicant。
如果连接成功,在新终端中执行后续命令或(或者通过 Ctrl+c
退出并使用 -B
参数在后台再次执行上述命令。WPA supplicant 页面包含更多参数和配置文件的信息。
# iw dev wlan0 link
获取 IP 地址
使用 DHCP:
# dhcpcd wlan0
静态 IP:
# ip addr add dev wlan0 # ip route add default via
下面是一个用 WPA supplicant 和 DHCP 设置无线网络的完整示例.
# ip link set dev wlp13s1 up # wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp13s1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf # dhcpcd wlp13s1
# ip link set dev wlp13s1 down
要使用静态 IP,将 dhcpcd 命令替换为:
# ip addr add broadcast dev wlp13s1 # ip route add default via
禁用接口前,需要先刷新 IP 地址和网关:
# ip addr flush dev wlp13s1 # ip route flush dev wlp13s1
连接管理器 | profiles 支持 | 漫游 (自动连接和重连) |
PPP 支持 (3G modem) |
官方 GUI |
控制台工具 |
ConnMan | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Netctl | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
netctl ,wifi-menu
NetworkManager | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
nmcli ,nmtui
Wicd | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
ConnMan 可以替代 NetworkManager 或 Wicd, 设计上考虑低资源消耗,以上网本和其它移动设备为目标。模块化设计并利用 dbus API,提供了 wpa_supplicant 抽象.
参阅: ConnMan
netctl 与 systemd 一起工作。基于配置文件,可以检查和连接多种网络类型。使用简单,并不比图形工具难。 参阅: Netctl (简体中文)
Wicd 是可以同时处理无线和有线网络的管理器。用 Python 和 Gtk 写成,依赖关系比 NetworkManager 少,所以是轻量级桌面的理想选择。位于官方软件仓库.
参见: Wicd (简体中文).
NetworkManager 是高级网络管理工具,在大部分流行发行版中使用。除了能管理有线链接,NetworkManager还提供了一个易于使用的图形界面程序来选择想要的无线移动链接。
详情请见 NetworkManager (简体中文)。
WPA2 企业模式
WPA2 企业模式是 WPA(Wi-Fi Protected Access)的工作模式之一。It provides better security and key management than WPA2 Personal, and supports other enterprise-type functionality, such as VLANs and NAP. However, it requires an external authentication server, called RADIUS server to handle the authentication of users. This is in contrast to Personal mode which does not require anything beyond the wireless router or access points (APs), and uses a single passphrase or password for all users.
WPA2 企业模式 是 WPA(Wi-Fi Protected Access)的工作模式之一。相比 WPA2 Personal 而言,它提供了更好的安全性和密钥管理功能,同时也提供了 VLANS 和 NAP 之类的企业功能。当然,它需要额外的 RADIUS 认证服务器来为用户提供认证服务,这就和只需要无线路由器或者接入点,所有用户都使用同一个密码的个人模式不同。
The Enterprise mode enables users to log onto the Wi-Fi network with a username and password and/or a digital certificate. Since each user has a dynamic and unique encryption key, it also helps to prevent user-to-user snooping on the wireless network, and improves encryption strength.
企业模式允许用户使用用户名和密码或者数字证书来登陆 Wi-Fi。因为每个用户都拥有一个动态唯一的加密密码,因此企业模式可以防止通过无限网络的用户探听,并提高加密强度。
This section describes the configuration of network clients to connect to a wireless access point with WPA2 Enterprise mode. See Software access point#RADIUS for information on setting up an access point itself.
本章节讲解 network clients 使用WPA2企业模式来连接无线接入点的配置。查看 Software access point#RADIUS 来获得如何设置接入点自身的相关信息。
For a comparison of protocols see the following table.
eduroam (education roaming) is an international roaming service for users in research, higher education and further education, based on WPA2 Enterprise.
- Check connection details first with your institution before applying any profiles listed in this section. Example profiles are not guaranteed to work or match any security requirements.
- When storing connection profiles unencrypted, restrict read access to the root account by specifying
chmod 600 profile
as root.
WPA supplicant 可直接配置并使用于dhcp客户端或systemd。 参照/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
NetworkManager can generate WPA2 Enterprise profiles with graphical front ends. nmcli and nmtui do not support this, but may use existing profiles.
ConnMan needs a separate configuration file before connecting to the network. See connman-service.config(5) and ConnMan#Connecting to eduroam[损坏的链接:无效的章节] for details.
netctl supports #wpa_supplicant configuration through blocks included with WPAConfigSection=
. See netctl.profile(5) for details.
section in netctl.profile(5).'ca_cert="/path/to/special/certificate.cer"'
in WPAConfigSection
WPA2-Enterprise wireless networks demanding MSCHAPv2 type-2 authentication with PEAP sometimes require pptpclient in addition to the stock ppp package. netctl seems to work out of the box without ppp-mppe, however. In either case, usage of MSCHAPv2 is discouraged as it is highly vulnerable, although using another method is usually not an option. See also [1] and [2].
Rfkill 说明
许多笔记本都有一个硬件按钮或开关用于关闭无线网卡,然而无线网卡也可以通过内核来屏蔽。这一任务可由 rfkill 处理。显示当前状态:
# rfkill list
0: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: yes Hard blocked: yes
如果网卡处于硬件屏蔽(hard-blocked)状态,请使用硬件按钮或开关来开启它。 如果无线网卡并没有被硬件屏蔽但处于软件屏蔽(soft-blocked),请使用以下命令:
# rfkill unblock wifi
内核模块的一些选项改变这一现象。切换无线网卡的硬件按钮是厂商专用的内核模块处理的,经常是 WMI 模块。特别是非常新的硬件型号,可能还没有得到最新稳定内核的完全支持。这种情况下,在内核 bug 跟踪系统搜索信息,并将型号报告给对应厂商内核模块的维护者(如果还没有报告的话)经常会有帮助。
参见 。
监管区域用于配置无线驱动,确保对无线硬件的使用符合由 FCC、ETSI 及其他组织制定的当地法规。监管区域使用ISO 3166-1二位字母国家代码。例如,美国的监管区域代码是“US”,中国则是“CN”,等等。
监管区域也影响对来自无线设备的等效各向同性辐射功率(EIRP)所作的限制。这衍生自发射功率(tx power)并以dBm/mBm(1dBm=100mBm)或mW(对数尺度)衡量。在2.4GHz波段,美国和加拿大最大限制30dBm,欧洲大部分是20dBm,世界上其他地区则是20dB-30dBm。在5GHz波段,最大值通常更低。更详细的信息请参考 wireless-regdb(EIRP dBm 值在每行第二对括号里)。
要配置监管区域,安装 crda 并重启(以重新加载 cfg80211
模块及所有相关驱动)。检查启动日志以确认 cfg80211
# dmesg | grep cfg80211
# iw reg set US
$ iw reg get
- 你的设备国家代码可能为“00”,它是包含了通用设置的“世界监管区域”。如果无法解除此设置,则CRDA可能配置有误。
- 根据 CRDA 的 README,从内核版本4.15开始就不再需要它,因为内核会自动从固件加载监管数据库。然而也有说法称这一加载操作需要特定的内核设置。
然而设置监管区域可能不会改变您的设置。有些设备在固件/EEPROM中设置了一个监管区域,为设备规定了限制,这意味着通过软件设置监管区域只能增加限制而不能减少。例如,一个 CN(中国)设备可以用软件设置为 US(美国)监管区域,但由于中国的 EIRP 最大值为20dBm,设备将无法以美国的最大值30dBm进行发射。
例如,查看一个 Atheros 设备的固件中是否设置了监管区域:
# dmesg | grep ath:
$ iw list | grep -A 15 Frequencies:
监管区域的持久设置可以通过编辑 /etc/conf.d/wireless-regdom
并解除相应区域的注释实现。 wpa_supplicant
也可以在 /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
中的 country=
也可以通过添加模块参数(如 options cfg80211 ieee80211_regdom=EU
),配置 cfg80211 内核模块,从而使用指定的监管区域。然而这是一种老旧的监管实现。
更多信息请阅读 监管文档。
见 Power saving#Network interfaces。
这个单元包含一般性的问题快照(troubleshooting)和提示, 问题与设备与固件驱动并没有什么严格意义上的关系。 对于驱动与固件上的问题, 请看 #驱动与固件排错.
如果你有问题性的设备并且需要Internet访问, 例如, 下载一些软件或向社区寻求帮助, 你可以通过Android自带的USB共享网络功能。 更多信息详见[[Android tethering#USB tethering]。
Observing Logs
A good first measure to troubleshoot is to analyze the system's logfiles first. In order not to manually parse through them all, it can help to open a second terminal/console window and watch the kernels messages with
# dmesg -w
while performing the action, e.g. the wireless association attempt.
When using a tool for network management, the same can be done for systemd with
# journalctl -f
Frequently a wireless error is accompanied by a deauthentication with a particular reason code, for example:
wlan0: deauthenticating from XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX by local choice (reason=3)
Looking up the reason code might give a first hint. Maybe it also helps you to look at the control message flowchart, the journal messages will follow it.
The individual tools used in this article further provide options for more detailed debugging output, which can be used in a second step of the analysis, if required.
Failed to get IP address
- If getting an IP address repeatedly fails using the default dhcpcd client, try installing and using dhclient instead. Do not forget to select dhclient as the primary DHCP client in your connection manager!
- If you can get an IP address for a wired interface and not for a wireless interface, try disabling the wireless card's power saving features (specify
instead ofon
- If you get a timeout error due to a waiting for carrier problem, then you might have to set the channel mode to
for the specific device:
# iwconfig wlan0 channel auto
Before changing the channel to auto, make sure your wireless interface is down. After it has successfully changed it, you can bring the interface up again and continue from there.
Valid IP address but cannot resolve host
If you are on a public wireless network that may have a captive portal, make sure to query an HTTP page (not an HTTPS page) from your web browser, as some captive portals only redirect HTTP. If this is not the issue, it may be necessary to remove any custom DNS servers from resolv.conf.
Setting RTS and fragmentation thresholds
Wireless hardware disables RTS and fragmentation by default. These are two different methods of increasing throughput at the expense of bandwidth (i.e. reliability at the expense of speed). These are useful in environments with wireless noise or many adjacent access points.
Packet fragmentation improves throughput by splitting up packets with size exceeding the fragmentation threshold. The maximum value (2346) effectively disables fragmentation since no packet can exceed it. The minimum value (256) maximizes throughput, but may carry a significant bandwidth cost.
# iw phy0 set frag 512
RTS improves throughput by performing a handshake with the access point before transmitting packets with size exceeding the RTS threshold. The maximum threshold (2347) effectively disables RTS since no packet can exceed it. The minimum threshold (0) enables RTS for all packets, which is probably excessive for most situations.
# iw phy0 set rts 500
is the name of the wireless device as listed by $ iw phy
.Random disconnections
Cause #1
If dmesg says wlan0: deauthenticating from MAC by local choice (reason=3)
and you lose your Wi-Fi connection, it is likely that you have a bit too aggressive power-saving on your Wi-Fi card[3]. Try disabling the wireless card's power saving features (specify off
instead of on
If your card does not support enabling/disabling power save mode, check the BIOS for power management options. Disabling PCI-Express power management in the BIOS of a Lenovo W520 resolved this issue.
Cause #2
If you are experiencing frequent disconnections and dmesg shows messages such as
ieee80211 phy0: wlan0: No probe response from AP xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx after 500ms, disconnecting
try changing the channel bandwidth to 20MHz
through your router's settings page.
Cause #3
On some laptop models with hardware rfkill switches (e.g., Thinkpad X200 series), due to wear or bad design, the switch (or its connection to the mainboard) might become loose over time resulting in seemingly random hardblocks/disconnects when you accidentally touch the switch or move the laptop. There is no software solution to this, unless your switch is electrical and the BIOS offers the option to disable the switch. If your switch is mechanical (most are), there are lots of possible solutions, most of which aim to disable the switch: Soldering the contact point on the mainboard/wifi-card, glueing or blocking the switch, using a screw nut to tighten the switch or removing it altogether.
Cause #4
Another cause for frequent disconnects or a complete failure to connect may also be a sub-standard router, incomplete settings of the router, or interference by other wireless devices.
To troubleshoot, first best try to connect to the router with no authentication.
If that works, enable WPA/WPA2 again but choose fixed and/or limited router settings. For example:
- If the router is considerably older than the wireless device you use for the client, test if it works with setting the router to one wireless mode
- Disable mixed-mode authentication (e.g. only WPA2 with AES, or TKIP if the router is old)
- Try a fixed/free channel rather than "auto" channel (maybe the router next door is old and interfering)
- Disable
channel bandwidth (lower throughput but less likely collisions) - If the router has quality of service settings, check completeness of settings (e.g. Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) is part of optional QoS flow control. An erroneous router firmware may advertise its existence although the setting is not enabled)
This section covers methods and procedures for installing kernel modules and firmware for specific chipsets, that differ from generic method.
See Kernel modules for general informations on operations with modules.
Ralink 芯片组的统一驱动,代替了 rt2500
, rt61
, rt73
等。Linux 内核从 2.6.24 开始包含此驱动,但是有些设备可能需要额外固件。可以使用标准 wpa_supplicant 和 iwconfig
有些芯片组需要固件文件,可以安装软件包 linux-firmware。
参见: Using the new rt2x00 beta driver
- Since kernel 3.0, rt2x00 includes also these drivers:
替代。 - 通过
可以配置很多参数,文档在 Ralink 源代码包 中。
For devices which are using the rt3090 chipset it should be possible to use rt2800pci
driver, however, is not working with this chipset very well (e.g. sometimes it's not possible to use higher rate than 2Mb/s).
The best way is to use the rt3090-dkmsAUR[损坏的链接:package not found] driver from AUR. Make sure to blacklist the rt2800pci
module and setup the rt3090sta
module to load[损坏的链接:无效的章节] at boot.
The rt3290 chipset is recognised by the kernel rt2800pci
module. However, some users experience problems and reverting to a patched Ralink driver seems to be beneficial in these cases.
2012年新出的芯片组,需要 Ralink 的闭源驱动,有不同的厂商使用他们,参阅Belkin N750 示例 。
支持 5 Gh 频率,需要 Ralink 的闭源驱动,编译指令位于这里[失效链接 2021-11-15 ⓘ]
The driver is now in the kernel, but many users have reported being unable to make a connection although scanning for networks does work.
Package 8192cu-dkmsAUR in the AUR includes many patches, try this if it doesn't work fine with the driver in kernel.
The driver is part of the current kernel package. 启动时可能装入模块失败,错误信息是:
rtl819xE:ERR in CPUcheck_firmware_ready() rtl819xE:ERR in init_firmware() step 2 rtl819xE:ERR!!! _rtl8192_up(): initialization is failed! r8169 0000:03:00.0: eth0: link down
# modprobe -r r8192e_pci
# modprobe r8192e_pci
Some dongles, like the TP-Link TL-WN725N v2 (not sure, but it seems that uses the rtl8179 chipset), use chipsets compatible with this driver. In Linux 3.12 the driver has been moved to kernel staging source tree. For older kernels use out-of-tree driver sources built with dkms - install 8188eu-dkmsAUR. At the times of 3.15 kernel rtl8188eu driver is buggy and has many stability issues.
The new rtl8723ae
module is included in the mainline Linux kernel since version 3.6, the rtl8723be
module since 3.15.
Some users may encounter errors with powersave on this card. This is shown with occasional disconnects that are not recognized by high level network managers (netctl, NetworkManager). This error can be confirmed by running dmesg -w
or journalctl -f
and looking for output related to powersave and the rtl8723ae
module. If you are having this issue, use the fwlps=0
kernel option, which should prevent the WiFi card from automatically sleeping and halting connection.
options rtl8723ae fwlps=0
options rtl8723be fwlps=0
如果信号质量很差,可能是一个天线不工作,无法运行在自动模式。可以用 ant_sel=1
或 ant_sel=2
Newer 802.11 a/b/g/n usb adapters, such as the Glam Hobby AC600 (Ourlink) may require rtl8812 or rtl8821 drivers before working.
The 8812 driver can be found as rtl8812au-dkms-gitAUR.
# modprobe 8812au
If that does not work (like for the AC600 dongles), try the 8812/8821 module rtl8812au_rtl8821au-dkms-gitAUR[损坏的链接:package not found].
# modprobe rtl8812au_rtl8821au
These require DKMS so make sure you have your proper kernel headers installed.
MadWifi team 开发组维护了三个模块:
是最老的驱动, Arch kernel 从 开始已经不再包含。 -
,有些芯片组使用效果很好,但有些还不能很好工作(后面有介绍) -
是新的官方驱动,适用于新 Atheros 硬件。
There are some other drivers for some Atheros devices. See Linux Wireless documentation for details.
If you find web pages randomly loading very slow, or if the device is unable to lease an IP address, try to switch from hardware to software encryption by loading the ath5k
module with nohwcrypt=1
option. See Kernel modules#Setting module options for details.
有些笔记本的 LED 指示灯有问题,可以:
echo none > "/sys/class/leds/ath5k-phy0::tx/trigger" echo none > "/sys/class/leds/ath5k-phy0::rx/trigger"
是 Atheros 官方支持的驱动,支持所有带 802.11n 功能的芯片组,最大传输速度 180 Mbps. 这个页面 列出了所有支持的硬件。
工作模式:Station, AP and Adhoc.
是官方内核的一部分。如果在极个别情况下遇到稳定性问题,可以使用 compat-wireless 软件包。ath9k 邮件列表[失效链接 2020-08-04 ⓘ] 提供了支持和开发的相关信息。
External resources:
As of Linux 3.15.1, some users have been experiencing a decrease in bandwidth. In some cases this can fixed by editing /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf
and adding the line:
options ath9k nohwcrypt=1
In the unlikely event that you have stability issues that trouble you, you could try using the backports-patchedAUR package. An ath9k mailing list[失效链接 2020-08-04 ⓘ] exists for support and development related discussions.
Power saving
Although Linux Wireless says that dynamic power saving is enabled for Atheros ath9k single-chips newer than AR9280, for some devices (e.g. AR9285) powertop might still report that power saving is disabled. In this case enable it manually.
On some devices (e.g. AR9285), enabling the power saving might result in the following error:
# iw dev wlan0 set power_save on
command failed: Operation not supported (-95)
The solution is to set the ps_enable=1
option for the ath9k
options ath9k ps_enable=1
ipw2100 与 ipw2200
内核完全支持,但是需要安装额外的固件。根据芯片组型号,安装 软件包 ipw2100-fw 或 ipw2200-fw。
- use the
option to enable the radiotap interface - use the
option to enable a front LED indicating when the wireless is connected or not
iwlegacy is the wireless driver for Intel's 3945 and 4965 wireless chips. The firmware is included in the linux-firmware package.
udev should load the driver automatically, otherwise load iwl3945
or iwl4965
manually. See Kernel modules for details.
If you have problems connecting to networks in general or your link quality is very poor, try to disable 802.11n:
options iwl4965 11n_disable=1
iwlwifi is the wireless driver for Intel's current wireless chips, such as 5100AGN, 5300AGN, and 5350AGN. See the full list of supported devices. The firmware is included in the linux-firmware package.
If you have problems connecting to networks in general or your link quality is very poor, try to disable 802.11n and enable software encryption:
options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1 options iwlwifi swcrypto=1
If you have a problem with slow uplink speed in 802.11n mode, for example 20Mbps, try to enable antenna aggregation:
options iwlwifi 11n_disable=8
Do not be confused with the option name, when the value is set to 8
it does not disable anything but re-enables transmission antenna aggregation.[4] [5]
In case this does not work for you, you may try disabling power saving for your wireless adapter.
Some have never gotten this to work. Others found salvation by disabling N in their router settings after trying everything. This is known to have be the only solution on more than one occasion. The second link there mentions a 5ghz option that might be worth exploring.
Bluetooth coexistence
If you have difficulty connecting a bluetooth headset and maintaining good downlink speed, try disabling bluetooth coexistence [7]:
options iwlwifi bt_coex_active=0
禁用 LED 闪烁
and iwlwifi
drivers.默认设置中 LED 闪烁是开着的,有些人不喜欢,可以systemd-tmpfiles[损坏的链接:无效的章节]禁止闪烁:
w /sys/class/leds/phy0-led/trigger - - - - phy0radio
Run systemd-tmpfiles --create phy0-led.conf
for the change to take effect, or reboot.
To see all the possible trigger values for this LED:
# cat /sys/class/leds/phy0-led/trigger
, you may try to use the led_mode="1"
module option. It should be valid for both iwlwifi
and iwlegacy
drivers.# cat /sys/class/leds/phy0-led/trigger
See Broadcom wireless.
Tenda w322u
Treat this Tenda card as an rt2870sta
device. See #rt2x00.
Some Orinoco chipsets are Hermes II. You can use the wlags49_h2_cs
driver instead of orinoco_cs
and gain WPA support. To use the driver, blacklist orinoco_cs
The driver p54
is included in kernel, but you have to download the appropriate firmware for your card from this site and install it into the /usr/lib/firmware
过时的 prism54
和新内核模块 p54pci
或 p54usb
同时装入造成冲突,使用 lsmod | grep prism54
查看是否装入了过时模块,如果是,那么就 屏蔽 prism54
Packages: tiacx
(deleted from official repositories and AUR)
See official wiki for details.
是ZyDAS ZD1211 802.11b/g USB WLAN芯片的驱动,最近的版本的内核已经包括了。zd1211rw [8]有被支持的设备列表。 你只需要这样安装固件zd1211-firmwareAUR。
Host AP is a Linux driver for wireless LAN cards based on Intersil's Prism2/2.5/3 chipset. The driver is included in Linux kernel.
driver, it may cause problems.Other drivers/devices
Tenda w322u
Treat this Tenda card as an rt2870sta
device. See #rt2x00.
This should be a part of the kernel package and be installed already.
Some Orinoco chipsets are Hermes II. You can use the wlags49_h2_cs
driver instead of orinoco_cs
and gain WPA support. To use the driver, blacklist orinoco_cs
The driver p54
is included in kernel, but you have to download the appropriate firmware for your card from this site and install it into the /usr/lib/firmware
, which might conflict with the newer driver (p54pci
or p54usb
). Make sure to blacklist prism54
Packages: tiacx
(deleted from official repositories and AUR)
See official wiki for details.
is a driver for the ZyDAS ZD1211 802.11b/g USB WLAN chipset, and it is included in recent versions of the Linux kernel. See [9] for a list of supported devices. You only need to install the firmware for the device, provided by the zd1211-firmwareAUR package.
Host AP is a Linux driver for wireless LAN cards based on Intersil's Prism2/2.5/3 chipset. The driver is included in Linux kernel.
driver, it may cause problems.ndiswrapper
Ndiswrapper并不是一个真正的驱动,但是如果你无法找到适合你的无线网卡驱动的适合, 它就派上用场了.有的时候, 它是非常有用的.为了使用Ndiswrapper, 你需要Windows驱动中的*.inf文件(*.sys文件应该和*.info在同一个目录中)。如果你需要从 *.exe
文件解压缩,你可以使用 cabextract.
1. 安装 ndiswrapper-dkms
2. 安装驱动到 /etc/ndiswrapper/*
ndiswrapper -i filename.inf
3. 列出所有的安装的驱动
ndiswrapper -l
4. 配置文件写到 /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper.conf
ndiswrapper -m depmod -a
现在基本上就要安装完ndiswrapper了; 依照 这里设置启动时加载这个模块。
modprobe ndiswrapper iwconfig
如果正常的话, 你应该可以看到wlan0接口了. 如果有问题的话, 你可以阅读: Ndiswrapper installation wiki[失效链接 2020-08-04 ⓘ]. ndiswrapper howto 和 ndiswrapper FAQ.
backports-patchedAUR 为老内核提供了新内核中无线网卡驱动的移植,项目从 2007 年开始,以前名称是 compat-wireless, 现在重命名为 backports. 如果使用旧内核并且有无线问题,可以试试这个软件包。
- NetworkManager - NetworkManager官方网站
- WICD - WICD官方网站
- 一个很少能帮忙的废话连篇的howto[失效链接 2021-11-15 ⓘ]
- madwifi的安装方法,如果你在用Arch的方式安装时遇到了问题