OpenSSL (简体中文)
OpenSSL是SSL和TLS协议的开源实现,在OpenSSL(Apache License 1.0)和SSLeay(4-clause BSD)下拥有双重开源许可证。在各种平台上得到支持:BSD,Linux,OpenVMS,Solaris,Windows。 可以免费用于个人和商业用途。基于早期的SSLeay库。OpenSSL 1.0.0版发布于2010年3月29日。
Arch Linux已默认安装openssl(作为coreutils的依赖)。
有关更多信息,请参阅Wikipedia:Certificate authority和Wikipedia:Public key infrastructure。
- 证书颁发机构(CA)
- 根据用户请求,返回证书的机构。返回的最终用户证书(end-user certificate)使用CA的私钥和CA的证书签名,CA证书又包含CA公钥。CA还分发证书吊销列表(CRL),通知用户哪些证书不再有效和下一个CRL何时到期。
- CA private key
- CA私钥非常重要。公开CA私钥和指定权威机构验证和撤销权限的做法背道而驰,并且CA私钥是CA证书中CA公钥的用于签名的对应部分。由于CA私钥签名包含在CA证书本身当中,因此暴露的CA私钥给攻击者复制CA证书提供可乘之机。原文:
The CA private key is the crucial part of the trifecta. Exposing it would defeat the purpose of designating a central authority that validates and revokes permissions, and at the same time, it is the signed counter part to the CA public key used to certify against the CA certificate. An exposed CA private key could allow an attacker to replicate the CA certificate since the CA private key signature is embedded in the CA certificate itself.
- CA证书和公钥
- 这些以单个文件的形式分发给所有最终用户,来证明其他声称是由相同CA签名的最终用户证书,例如网站,邮件服务器。原文:
These are distributed in a single file to all end-users. They are used to certify other end-user certificates that claimed to be signed by the matching CA, such as mail servers or websites.
- 终端用户
- 终端用户向CA提交包含独一无二名称DN(distinguished name)的证书请求。通常,CA不允许在撤消前一个证书前,签发具有相同DN的多个有效证书。如果最终用户证书在证书到期时未续期或者因为其他原因,证书会被撤销。
- 终端用户生成的密钥
- 最终用户生成密钥以便签署提交给CA的证书请求。 与CA私钥一样,暴露用户密钥,会导致别人假冒你的身份,攻击者可以使用相同的用户名提交请求,从而导致CA撤销前一个合法的用户证书。
- 证书申请
- 这些包含用户的DN和公钥。顾名思义,这是从CA获得认证过程的最开始的部分。
- 最终用户证书
最终用户证书与CA证书之间的主要区别在于最终用户证书本身无法签署证书; 它们只是在信息交换中提供识别手段。
- 证书撤销清单CRL(Certificate revocation list)
- CRL也使用CA密钥签名,但它们仅表示有关最终用户证书的信息。通常,CRL提交的时间间隔为30天。
,并且显得很复杂。 Remember that variables may be expanded in assignments, much like how shell scripts work. For a thorough explanation of the configuration file format, see config(5ssl).
Settings related to generating keys, requests and self-signed certificates.
The req section is responsible for the DN prompts. A general misconception is the Common Name (CN) prompt, which suggests that it should have the user's proper name as a value. End-user certificates need to have the machine hostname as CN, whereas CA should not have a valid TLD, so that there is no chance that, between the possible combinations of certified end-users' CN and the CA certificate's, there is a match that could be misinterpreted by some software as meaning that the end-user certificate is self-signed. Some CA certificates do not even have a CN, such as Equifax:
$ openssl x509 -subject -noout < /etc/ssl/certs/Equifax_Secure_CA.pem
subject= /C=US/O=Equifax/OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority
Even though splitting the files is not strictly necessary to normal functioning, it is very confusing to handle request generation and CA administration from the same configuration file, so it is advised to follow the convention of clearly separating the settings into two cnf
files and into two containing directories.
Here are the settings that are common to both tasks:
[ req ] # Default bit encryption and out file for generated keys. default_bits= 2048 default_keyfile=private/cakey.pem string_mask= utf8only # Only allow utf8 strings in request/ca fields. prompt= no # Do not prompt for field value confirmation.
Makes a v3 request suitable for most circumstances:
distinguished_name=ca_dn # Distinguished name contents. req_extensions=req_v3 # For generating ca certificates. [ ca_dn ] C= US ST= New Jersey O= localdomain CN= localhost [ req_v3 ] basicConstraints= CA:FALSE keyUsage= nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
First, be sure that exist on your system
$ pacman -Ql openssl | grep libgost
In case everything is fine, add the following lines to the config:
openssl_conf = openssl_def # this must be a top-level declaration
Put the following lines in the end of the document:
[ openssl_def ] engines = engine_section [ engine_section ] gost = gost_section [ gost_section ] engine_id = gost soft_load = 1 dynamic_path = /usr/lib/engines/ default_algorithms = ALL CRYPT_PARAMS = id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet
The official README.gost should contain more examples on this.
directory like most other distributions do, see FS#43059.Before generating the key, make a secure directory to host it:
$ mkdir -m0700 private
Followed by preemptively assigning secure permissions for the key itself:
$ touch private/key.pem $ chmod 0600 private/key.pem
Alternatively set umask to restrict permissions of newly created files and directories:
$ umask 077
An example genpkey
key generation:
$ openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private/key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
If an encrypted key is desired, use the following command. Password will be prompted for:
$ openssl genpkey -aes-256-cbc -algorithm RSA -out private/key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
If you want to communicate securely with a server for the first time, you need to trust an unknown public key. TLS solves this using the Public Key Infrastructrue. Basically clients trust a set of certificate authorities (CAs) (on Arch Linux the ca-certificates packages). When a certificate is received from a server, your client (mostly gnutls) verifies that it is signed by a certificate authority you trust.
To obtain a certificate from a certificate authority, you need to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and sign it with a previously generated private key:
$ openssl req -new -sha256 -key private/key.pem -out req.csr
Clients reject self-signed certificates by default, requiring you to manually configure every client to trust your self-signed certificate. Maintaining more than one self-signed certificate is more trouble than investing the initial effort in setting up a certificate authority.
To create a self-signed certificate with a previously generated private key:
$ openssl req -key private/key.pem -x509 -new -days 3650 -out selfcert.pem
OpenSSL Certificate Authority is a detailed guide on using OpenSSL to act as a CA.
The method shown in this section is mostly meant to show how signing works; it is not suited for large deployments that need to automate signing a large number of certificates. Consider installing an SSL server for that purpose.
Before using the Makefile, make a configuration file according to #配置. Be sure to follow instructions relevant to CA administration; not request generation.
Saving the file as Makefile
and issuing make
in the containing directory will generate the initial CRL along with its prerequisites:
OPENSSL= openssl CNF= openssl.cnf CA= ${OPENSSL} ca -config ${CNF} REQ= ${OPENSSL} req -config ${CNF} KEY= private/cakey.pem KEYMODE= RSA CACERT= cacert.pem CADAYS= 3650 CRL= crl.pem INDEX= index.txt SERIAL= serial CADEPS= ${CNF} ${KEY} ${CACERT} all: ${CRL} ${CRL}: ${CADEPS} ${CA} -gencrl -out ${CRL} ${CACERT}: ${CNF} ${KEY} ${REQ} -key ${KEY} -x509 -new -days ${CADAYS} -out ${CACERT} rm -f ${INDEX} touch ${INDEX} echo 100001 > ${SERIAL} ${KEY}: ${CNF} mkdir -m0700 -p $(dir ${KEY}) touch ${KEY} chmod 0600 ${KEY} ${OPENSSL} genpkey -algorithm ${KEYMODE} -out ${KEY} revoke: ${CADEPS} ${item} @test -n $${item:?'usage: ${MAKE} revoke item=cert.pem'} ${CA} -revoke ${item} ${MAKE} ${CRL} sign: ${CADEPS} ${item} @test -n $${item:?'usage: ${MAKE} sign item=request.csr'} mkdir -p newcerts ${CA} -in ${item} -out ${item:.csr=.crt}
To sign certificates:
$ make sign item=req.csr
To revoke certificates:
$ make revoke item=cert.pem
解密时”解密不好”("bad decrypt")
OpenSSL 1.1.0 changed the default digest algorithm for the dgst and enc commands from MD5 to SHA256. [1]
Therefore if a file has been encrypted using OpenSSL 1.0.2 or older, trying to decrypt it with an up to date version may result in an error like:
error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt:crypto/evp/evp_enc.c:540
Supplying the -md md5
option should solve the issue:
$ openssl enc -d -md md5 -in encrypted -out decrypted
- Wikipedia page on OpenSSL, with background information.
- OpenSSL project page.
- FreeBSD Handbook
- Step-by-step guide to create a signed SSL certificate
- OpenSSL Certificate Authority
- Bulletproof SSL and TLS by Ivan Ristić, a more formal introduction to SSL/TLS