Pidgin (简体中文)

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附注: 请使用模板的第一个参数进行更详细的指示。(在 Talk:Pidgin (简体中文)# 中讨论)
翻译状态:本文是 Pidgin翻译。上次翻译日期:2012-09-30。如果英文版本有所更改,则您可以帮助同步翻译。

Pidgin (以前的Gaim)是Linux平台上的一个即时信息客户端,它可以连接到许多流行的即时信息网络,比如Live Messenger, Yahoo, IRC, AIM等等。Pidgin的一个关键特性是它可以同时连接许多即时信息网络。


官方软件仓库 提供了 pidgin 的安装包。 Notable variants are:

  • Pidgin Light — 不包含 GStreamer, Tcl/Tk, XScreenSaver, video/voice 支持的 Light Pidgin 版本。 || pidgin-lightAUR



作为依赖Aspell会被默认安装,但为了避免你输入的所有文本都显示为“拼写错误”,你需要安装一个aspell字典(比如:aspell-en)。执行 pacman -Ss aspell 列出可用的语言。 如果拼写检查没有工作,尝试单独运行 aspell 去检查安装是否正确,并且不要分开有用的错误信息。执行:

$ echo center | aspell -a
注意: switch spell插件包含在purple-plugin-pack中,它允许你在不同的语言间切换。




aplay %s


ossplay %s



<pref name='command' type='path' value='firefox'/>


QIP Encoding bug

There is another bug in character encoding when communicating between Pidgin and QIP, which especially affects Czech language, but there are also other languages affected. There are two possible solutions. The better one is to upgrade from QIP to QIP Infimum, second solution is to install and enable plugin from pidgin-qip-decoderAUR[损坏的链接:package not found] package currently available from AUR.


You can change encoding for ICQ account if encoding in Buddy Information is not correct:

Account > your ICQ account > Edit account > Advanced tab

Select Encoding: CP1251 (for Cyrillic).


有一辅助功能用于链接 Freenode。它应该也可以用于链接其他 IRC 网络,如果你变更其端口和域名。

选择 账户 > 管理账户 > 添加. 设置以下选项:

协议: IRC
用户名: your username

选择 好友 > 加入聊天 (或者按下 Ctrl+m), 在 '' 文本框中选择, 然后点击 '确定',或者输入:

/join #你的聊天室名称


/msg nickserv register password email-addres


/msg nickserv help
/msg nickserv help command

最后一部是把你的聊天室加入 '好友':选择 好友 > 加入聊天,填入正确的聊天室 (#archlinux)。


Simply install pidgin-gfire[损坏的链接:package not found] and then add a new account, selecting xfire as protocol.

Web QQ

直接安装 pidgin-lwqq[损坏的链接:package not found] 并创建账户,选择协议为 webQQ


Facebook XMPP

Since Facebook Chat supports XMPP, you can use Pidgin without extra plugins. See this article for more information: Facebook Chat Now Available Everywhere

注意: In order to utilise Facebook chat through XMPP and pidgin, you will require a Facebook "username". This is located in Facebook > Account settings > username (below real name)

1. Go to "Accounts" and select "Manage Accounts."

2. On the Basic tab, enter the following info:

Protocol: XMPP
Username: Your FacebookID (without e-mail domain, e.g., etc)
Domain: (make sure you have not typed any extra space)
Resource: Pidgin (leave this empty if you get " Not Authorized" error message)
Password: Your Password
Local alias: Your Name

3. Click the Advanced tab, then enter the following info:

Connect port: 5222
Connect server: (make sure you have not typed any extra space)
(Uncheck the box labeled "Require SSL/TLS")
  • Newer versions of Pidgin do not have a "Require SSL/TLS" box. Instead, select "Use encryption if available" from the Connection Security dropdown in Advanced
  • Changing your Facebook privacy settings to "Turn off all apps" (under Apps and Websites), will disable your ability to send messages via jabber (see Why cannot Pidgin seem to send Facebook messages).
  • You may notice that all Facebook contacts are in a separate group every time you login with your XMPP account even though you moved them to other groups or created meta-contacts. If you want to be able to group contacts and create meta-contacts you can use the plugin pidgin-xmpp-ignore-groupsAUR (after installing the plugin activate the option Ignore server-sent groups on the Advanced tab in your XMPP account settings). It essentially ignores the group data sent by the server roaster and preserves your local changes. It is easier to enable this plugin on your account before logging in the first time, so your contacts are put into the default group instead of a group called "Facebook Friends". Enabling it afterward will not move the contacts out of this group.


Pidgin has some privacy rules set by default. Namely, the whole world cannot send you messages; only your contacts or people selected from a list. Adjust this, and other settings through:

Tools > Privacy


This is a plugin that brings Off-The-Record (OTR) messaging to Pidgin. OTR is a cryptographic protocol that will encrypt your instant messages.

First you need to install pidgin-otr from the official repositories. Once this has been done, OTR has been added to Pidgin.

  1. To enable OTR, start Pidgin and go to Tools > Plugins or press Ctrl+u. Scroll down to the entry entitled "Off-The-Record Messaging". If the checkbox beside it is not checked, check it.
  2. Next, click on the plugin entry and select "Configure plugin" at the bottom. Select which account you wish to generate a key for, then click "Generate". You will have now generated a private key. If you are not sure what the other options do, leave them, the default options will work fine.
  3. The next step is to contact a buddy who also has OTR installed. In the chat window, a new icon should appear to the top right of your text input box. Click on it, and select "Start private conversation". This will start an 'Unverified' session. Unverified sessions are encrypted, but not verified - that is, you have started a private conversation with someone using your buddy's account who has OTR, but who might not be your buddy. The steps for verification of a buddy are beyond the scope of this section; however, they might be added in the future.


pidgin-encryptionAUR transparently encrypts your instant messages with RSA encryption. Easy-to-use, but very secure.

You can enable it the same way as Pidgin-OTR.

Now you can open conversation window and new icon should appear beside menu. Press it to enable or disable encryption. Also if you want to make encryption enabled by default right-click on a buddy's name (in your buddy list), and select Turn Auto-Encrypt On. Now, whenever a new conversation window for that buddy is opened, encryption will start out as enabled.


Pidgin-GPG transparently encrypt conversations using GPG, and taking advantage of all the features of a pre-existing WoT.

The plugin is available on AUR as pidgin-gpgAUR[损坏的链接:package not found]. It can be enabled the same way as the previously mentioned ones.

Sametime protocol

Sametime support is available by installing two packages from AUR:

Previously it was required to rebuild Pidgin to remove the --disable-meanwhile flag from compilation, this is no longer needed. Once these two packages are installed the 'Sametime' protocol will be available when creating an account.

SIP/Simple protocol for Live Communications Server 2003/2005/2007

The pidgin-sipeAUR plugin is available in official repositories.

Other packages

Arch has other Pidgin-related packages. Here are the most popular (for a thorough list, search the AUR):

Skype plugin

Install skype4pidgin-svnAUR[损坏的链接:package not found] from the AUR.

Auto logout on suspend

If you suspend your computer pidgin seems to stay connected for about 15 minutes. To prevent message loss, it is needed to set your status offline before suspending or hibernating. The status message will not be changed.

Therefore create a new systemd unit pidgin-suspend in /etc/systemd/system Take the following snippet and replace myuser with your user.

Description=Suspend Pidgin

ExecStart=-/usr/bin/purple-remote setstatus?status=offline
ExecStop=-/usr/bin/purple-remote setstatus?status=available



  • If Facebook XMPP verification does not work for you, there a package in the aur pidgin-facebookchat which does not require a unique user name (you may login with an email address)
  • The facebookchat plugin will prompt for varification (enter these two words...), if that fails, hit cancel and log onto Facebook with pidgin open, this will configure the plugin's security setting)

Installing Pidgin after a Carrier installation

If you previously installed carrierAUR[损坏的链接:package not found] (aka FunPidgin), follow these steps before installing Pidgin:

  • Quit Carrier
  • Delete your ~/.purple directory.
警告: This will remove all your user settings for any programs that use libpurple, i.e. Pidgin, Carrier, etc.
rm -r ~/.purple
  • Uninstall carrier and libpurple.
  • Install pidgin and libpurple.

History import Kopete to Pidgin

  • Install xalan-c and create ~/bin/ with this code:



if [ ! -d $KOPETE_DIR ];then
    echo "Kopete log directory not found"
    exit 1;

if [ ! -d $PIDGIN_DIR ];then
    echo "Pidgin log directory not found"
    exit 2;

    PIDGIN_PROTODIR=$(echo $KOPETE_PROTODIR | sed 's/Protocol//' | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
    for accnum in $(ls $KOPETE_DIR/$KOPETE_PROTODIR); do
        echo "Account number: $accnum"
        for num in $(ls $KOPETE_DIR/$KOPETE_PROTODIR/$accnum); do
            FILENAME=$(Xalan $KOPETE_DIR/$KOPETE_PROTODIR/$accnum/$num $CURRENT_DIR/history_import_kopete2pidgin_filename.xslt)
            if [ $? = 0 ]; then
                echo "$KOPETE_DIR/$KOPETE_PROTODIR/$accnum/$num"
                echo " -> $PIDGIN_DIR/$PIDGIN_PROTODIR/$FILENAME"
                mkdir -p $(dirname $PIDGIN_DIR/$PIDGIN_PROTODIR/$FILENAME)
                Xalan -o $PIDGIN_DIR/$PIDGIN_PROTODIR/$FILENAME $KOPETE_DIR/$KOPETE_PROTODIR/$accnum/$num $CURRENT_DIR/history_import_kopete2pidgin.xslt
  • Make ~/bin/ executable:
chmod +x ~/bin/
  • Create ~/bin/history_import_kopete2pidgin.xslt with this code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
    <xsl:output method="text" indent="no" />

    <xsl:template match="kopete-history">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="msg"/>

    <xsl:template match="msg">
        <xsl:value-of select="translate(substring-after(@time,' '),':',',')"/>
        <xsl:text>) </xsl:text>
        <xsl:value-of select="@nick"/>
        <xsl:if test="not(@nick) or @nick = ">
            <xsl:value-of select="@from"/>
        <xsl:text>: </xsl:text>
        <xsl:value-of select="."/>
  • Create ~/bin/history_import_kopete2pidgin_filename.xslt with this code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
    <xsl:output method="text" indent="no" />

    <xsl:template match="kopete-history">
        <xsl:value-of select="head/contact[@type = 'myself']/@contactId"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="head/contact[not(@type)]/@contactId"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="head/date/@year"/>
        <xsl:if test="head/date/@month &lt; 10">0</xsl:if>
        <xsl:value-of select="head/date/@month"/>
        <xsl:if test="string-length(substring-before(msg[1]/@time,' ')) &lt; 2">0</xsl:if>
        <xsl:value-of select="translate(msg[1]/@time,' :','.')"/>
  • Execute the command in the shell:

See also